Germany after WW1

  • The treaty of Versailled signed

    The Treaty of Versailles was the treaty signed by the German Government to end the war. This treaty had a lot of conditions that had to be followed by the Germans. Some of these included: paying reporations to countries affected by the war, taking full responsibility for the war, the loss of important territory and colonies. The signing of this treaty stripped Germany of it's power.
  • Armistice Signed

    In November 1918, an Armistice was signed by the German government to surrender the war. This however, led to many other bad occurrences in Germany as they had to follow the conditions of the Armistice. Some of these included paying reporations to countries affected by the war and taking full responsibility for the war.
  • The Sparticits

    The spartisics were a left wing revalutionary group known for fighting in the streets between 1918 and 1919. They fought in protest of the current government, the government however fled Berlin to safety and left the fighting up the freikorps. The freikorps won the battle gainst the spartisists and the leaders were captured and killed.
  • Hitler joins the German workers party

    Hitler was origninally asked to attend the meeting of the German workers party as a spy for the German Government but soon found that he aggreed with the ideas of the leader. He got up and made a passionate speech on the matter and was asked to join the party.
  • Hitler changes the name of the German Workers Party.

    At the beggining of 1920, soon after joining the German Workers Party, Hitler suggested a change to the name of the party adding the words National and Socialist to the name. Making the name of the party 'The National Socialist Working German Party'. The party then went on to announce their first program under this name. See Hitler announces 25 points.
  • Hitler announces '25 points'

    In Feburary 1920, Hitle and th National Scialist German Workers Party announced their first program. This involved them not accepting the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. This program became known as the '25 points'. In this program, it was written that equal rights were given to Germans only and other were known as 'foreigners' and 'aliens'.
  • The Kapp Putsch

    The Kapp Putsch was a 5 day revolt in Berlin where a man named Wolfgang Kapp led a group of Friekorps men in seizing Germnay, announcing that a new right of centre nationalist government was being established, and that he were to be chancellor. This protest failed however, due to the freikorps striking and Wolfgang Kapp fled Berlin.
  • Hitler sent to jail and writes book.

    When Hitler announced that he was coming to take over the German government, he was hunted down and put on trial. If found guilty he should have got the death sentence, but the Nazi sympathizers in the Bavarian government were going to make sure that Hitler would not be punished severely. He was given the minimum sentence of 5 years. In thsi time he wrote and pulished a book called Mein Kampf (my struggle). This book is an autobiography and was published to portray Hitler in a positive way.
  • Hitlers Trial

    At Hitlers trial, he was allowed to turn the proceedings into a political rally. Found guilty, he should have been given the death sentence but due to the influence of the Nazi sympathizers in the Bavarian government, he was given a minumum penalty of 5 years of jail. Here, he was treated uneqaually to all the other prisoners. He could walk around the ground, wear his own clothes, recieve gifts and visitors and could even have his dog to keep him company.
  • Streseman beomes Foreign affairs minister.

    Gustave Stresseman's goal was to reconnect Germany with the countries it was once friendly with in order to bring back some of it's original power. He also worked at making sure to pay the reparations payments and tried to get as many reductions on these as possible.
  • The Munich Putsch

    The Munich Putsch, also known as the Beer Hall Putsch was Hitler's attempt to take over the current German government and put in a nationalistis right-winged one instead. For this, Hitler was sentenced to serve 5 years in jail. See Hitlers Trial
  • The Dawes Plan

    The Dawes plan was a plan composed by Chales. G. Dawes to assist Germany with the reparations after they signed the treaty of Versailles. The plan was to institute annual payments of reparations on a fixed scale. Adolf Hitler did not agree with this plan as it did not get rid of the money that Germany had to pay. He also did not like the idea of foreiigners having control over Germany's economy.