German Expansion

  • Hitler

    On November 5, 1937, Hitler met secretly with his top military advisers. He bold-ly declared that to grow and prosper Germany needed the land of its neighbors.
  • Period: to

    German Expansion

  • German

    German troops marched into Austria unopposed.
  • German

    The Germans signed the Munich Agreement whiched turned the subetenaland over to Germany, with war.
  • Hitler strikes

    Hitler invades Czechoslovakia.
  • Germany

    Fascit Germany and communist not comitted never to attack each other.
  • Hitler

    Hitler launched a surprise invasion of Denamrk and Norway in order "to protect those countries freedom and independence.
  • Hitler

    William Shires and the rest of the world watched, Hitler handed French officers his terms of surrender
  • Planes

    The RAF shot down over 185 German planes at the same time they lost only 26 aircrafts.