George Washington

  • Born

    He is born
  • Death of his father

    His father died when George was eleven years old
  • Joins the Military

  • French and Indian War

    Started this war
  • Enters Politics

  • Marries

    Gets married to Martha Custis
  • Commander in Chief

    He was appointed commander in chief
  • The Battle of White Plains

    William Howe's regulars attacked and defeated Washington's Continental army
  • Inauguration

    He was inaugurated as the 1st president of the United States
  • Ratifying the Bill of Rights

    The states officially ratify the 1st tenth amendments to the Constitution.
  • Ratifying the Constitution

    Rhode Island ratifies the Constitution, becoming the last of the 13 states under the Articles of Confederation.
  • Copyright Law

    He signs the first copyright law
  • Proclaiming Nuetrality

    He issues a proclamation of nuetrality