Genocide Timeline

  • Belgians begin to control Rwanda

  • A cencus begins

    Everyone is issued a ID card that classifys them as Tutsi, Hutu, or Twa.
  • The UN makes a decision

    The UN (United Nations) make makes clear what a genocide is and makes it an international crime.
  • The Tutsi monarchy is abolished

  • The Hutu rebel

    The Hutu begin to rebel against the Tutsi and the Belgins.
  • Independance

    Rwanda gains Independance.
  • Juvénal Habyarimana

    Juvénal Habyarimana
    Juvénal Habyarimana takes control of Rwanda he is the new president of Rwanda.
  • Rwandan Patriotic Front

    Rwandan Patriotic Front
    The Rwandan Patriotic Front is formed in Uganda.
  • Coffee prices plummet

    This drop in coffe prices badly hurts the econnomy.
  • Civil war begins

  • New Constatutioon

    This constatution allows for multiple political pparties.
  • Radio Télévison des Milles Collines

    The Radio Télévison des Milles Collines begins spreading hate.
  • New Government

    Government positions are open for both Hutu and Tutsi.
  • Juvénal Habyarimana assassinated

    Juvénal Habyarimana is killed when his plane is shot down.
  • Massacre at Gikondo

    Halle is at the cathtloc church and barely escapes death as she flees. Her father was not so lucky he was one of the hundreds killed in the Pallottine Missionary massacre, this was only targeting tutsi so this was one of the first signs of a genocide.
  • Nyarubuye Roman Catholic Church

    Nyarubuye Roman Catholic Church
    At this massacre thousands of tutsi are killed, first by granades and guns then by machetes and clubs.
  • The Kibuye Massacres

    The Kibuye Massacres
    12,000 tutsi are killed after sheltering at the Gatwaro stadium in Gitesi.50,000 more are killed in the hills of Bisesero. Halles two siblings were seeking shelter in the Gatwaro Stadium and she never saw them again.
  • Halle flees

    More than 250,000 tutsi flee to neighboring Tanzania, Halle finds her aunt and uncle in Tanzania and stays with them.
  • Born

    Halle is born in Rwanda
  • The RPF

    The RPF take control of the presidential palace.
  • Halle Returns

    The French set up a border in the southwest part of Rwanda and Halle returns to find Rwanda in a terrible state.
  • Hutu Flee

    About 1,000,000 Hutu flee to Zaire and call themselvs the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • Victory

    The RPF regains contorl of the country and the Genocide ends.