Genocide Timeline by Maurice Hawes and OT Apedjinou

  • Armenian Genocide

    Armenian Genocide
    The Armenian Genocide happened around 1915-1918. It took place in the Ottaman Empire, what is now Turkey. The leader of the Soviet Union wnated to industrialize Russia. Rumors spread that Ukranians were hiding food for themselves. As a result 1.5 million of Turkey's Armenians were mudered during the Genocide. The country suffered a large decrease in population. The Genocide eneded 3,000 years of heritage in tha country. Many Turkish Armenians in other countries died of hunger.
  • Holodomor Famine

    Holodomor Famine
    The Holodomor Famine happened betwwen 1932-1933. This famine took place in the Ukranian. The famine served to contol and futher opress the Ukranian people by denying them basic nessesities. This operation was headed by Joseph Stalin. Due to the Famine 2.4 to 7.5 million Ukranians died from startvation. The country suffered an estimated 25,00 Ukranian's dying everyday. Due to mass county conrol, Ukranians from all over the world died from starvation.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    The Holocaust took place mainly took place in Germany .The Holocaust started on 1/30/1933 and ended on 5/8/1945.It was lead by Adolf Hitler, and the Nazis party .The Nazis wiped out 2/3 of the jews in Europe.The Nazis also made the Jews wear a yellow david star so they can be easily targeted. 1.5 million jewish kids were killed in this genocide.The Holocaust lasted for 7 years,they also killed homo-sexauls,10 million people were killed,6 million of them were Jewsih.The holocaust impact the wor
  • Cambodian Genocide

    Cambodian Genocide
    The Cambodian Genocide happened between 1975-1979. It took place in Cambodia, Southeast Asia. In April 1975, a communist group known as the Khmer Rouge, led by Pol Pot, seized contorol of Cambodia, killing many Cambodians in the process. 1.7 million people were killed. The country's economy failed and professionals to reastain order were killed during the genocide. There was also an influx of cambodian refugees coming mainly to the U.S.
  • Bosnian Genocide

    Bosnian Genocide
    The Bosnian Genocide took play in Bosnia, started in March of 1992 and ended in December of 1995. 80% of the people killed were Bosniaks,just in July of 1995 8,000 people were killed.They murded Croatic,Bonisks ,and serbs.The Genocide effected the world because they had to sation 60,000 NATO troops to prvent this from happning
  • Rwandan Genocide

    Rwandan Genocide
    The Rwandan Genocide happened in 1994. This brutal event took flight in Rwanda, East-central Africa. Memebers of the Hutu ethnic group in the east-central African nation of Rwamda murdered the tutsi minority. 800,000 of them were murdered. The counrty suffered many dead parents and children left to raise families, join the military, and kill. It is rumored that other countries new this would take place but did not warn Rwanda, alo the Western media potrayed it as if i were a movie or TV show.
  • Darfurian Genocide

    Darfurian Genocide
    The Darfurian Genocide started in 2003 and is still going on to day. so far 400,000 Darfuians have been killed.250,00 have fled the country.Janjaweed militia and Government forces are responsble for 97% of those killings.this is impacting the country becasue now they re very split. and are killing people and bcoming the first genocide of the 21st century