Afghanistan Genocide
there were 4.9 million deaths by the NATO troops from either huge bloody maccacres or target killing -
Armenian Genocide
25,000 people a day were either butchered, starved to death or died in dath camps to end the collective existence of the armenian people -
Armenian Genocide ended
Ukrainian Genocide
Josef Stalin lead the Soviet Union to destory all of the people seeking independence under his rule -
Nanking Genocide
John Rabe lead the massacre that had been fabricated for propaganda purposes -
Nanking Genocide ended
Lithuanian Genocide
Nazi's killed 175,000 Jews and non Jewish people in pits because the Nazis favored anti-semitism -
Cambodian Genocide
Khmer Rouge lead the "Pol Pot" group to make the citizens perform unceasing labor to nationalize and centralize the peasant farming society of Cambodia -
Cambodian Genocide ended
Bosnian Genocide
General Ratko Mladic led the Army of Republika Srpska (VRS) for the main purpose of spreading terror among the Bosnia population -
Ukrainian Genocide ended
Rwandan Genocide
about 800,000 people were killed by the militia using machetes and rifles in their own villages because of the tension there was after a change in rulers -
Rwandan Genocide ended
Lithuanina Genocide ended
Bosnian Genocide Ended
Afghanistan Genocide Ended