Period: to
Genocide in Rwanda
Germany controls Rwanda
Berlin conference divides up Africa between European countries -
Belgium gains control of Rwanda
After Germany loses World War 1 -
Rwanda gains independence
cilvil war begins
between Hutu controlled government and Rwanda Patriotic front (RPF - a Tutsi guerilla army) -
800,000 people died in 100 days -
RPF ends the genocide
takes control of the government -
war crimes trials begin
some courts are run in Tanzania by the UN; other courts are in Rwanda -
apology from President Clinton
The leader of the UN for not stopping the genocide -
26 defendants executed
War crimes by the Rwandan government; Rwanda later outlaes the death penalty. -
Gacaca courts to be set up
there are 100,000 people in jail waiting trial of genocide , there for the Rwanda government encouraged Gacaca court to be set up; these trials are very brief, and guilty are given lighter sentences after they confess.