Genocide in Rwanda

  • Germany controls Rwanda

    Germany controls Rwanda
    This is important because it was the start of the genocide that was going happen.
  • Period: to 200


  • Belgium gains control of Rwanda

    Belgium gains control of Rwanda
    This is important because when Belgium controlled Rwanda they gave the Hutu power.
  • Rwanda Gains Independence

    Rwanda Gains Independence
    This event is important because it was when Rwanda became independent.
  • Civil War Begins

    Civil War Begins
    This event is important because it was when the Rwandan president was killed.
  • Genocide

    This event is important because it killed a lost of people
  • RPF ends the genocide

    RPF ends the genocide
    This is important because this was when the genocide was over.
  • War Crimes Trials Begin

    War Crimes Trials Begin
    This event is important because people had consequences for the crimes they committed
  • Apology From President Clinton

    This is important because it shows how we felt about the genocide happening.
  • 26 Defendants Executed

    This is important because it showed that the government did do something for the crimes committed.
  • Gacaca Courts To Be Set Up

    This event was important because people who were involved had a consequence.