Genocide in Rwanda

  • Germany Controls Rwanda

    Germany Controls Rwanda
    Berlin divides Africa between Europeans This creates hatred towards the Tutsis by the Hutu because of un eaqual distribution of power
  • Belgium gains control of Rwanda

    Belgium gains control of Rwanda
    Germany loses worldwar 1
  • Rwanda gains independence

    Rwanda gains independence
    violence begins This leads to violece between the Tutsis and the Hutu because there is now a Hutu President in charge of Rwanda
  • Civil war begins

    Civil war begins
    Hutu controled the government of Rwanda the Hutu president is killed the Tutsis were blamed this leads to the Genocide.
  • Genocide

    The Hutu begin to assinate the Tutsis
  • RPF ends the Genocide

    RPF ends the Genocide
    RPF takes control of the government, this is an important event because it stops the Genocide
  • war crimes trials begin

    war crimes trials begin
    some courts are run by the UN in Tanzinia
  • apology from president Clinton

    Leader of the UN also gives apology for not stopping the Genocide
  • 26 defendants executed

    26 defendants executed
    rwanda outlaws the death penalty after executions for war crimes by the Rwanda government, this is important because of this Rwanda has outlawed the death penalty
  • Gacaca courts are to be set up

    There are 100,000 people in jail waiting trial for Genocide, the rwanda government encouraged Gacaca courts to be set up,these trials are very breif, and the guilty are given lighter sentences if they confess