Rwanda rfgees tznia 1994

Genocide in Rwanda

By 1070030
  • Germany controls Rwanda

    Germany controls Rwanda
  • Belgium gains control of Rwanda

    This is important because the Belgium wants to take control of Rwanda and we're just letting people know its not a good thing.
  • Rwanda gains independence

    Rwanda gains independence
  • Civil war begins

    Civil war begins
    This event is imported because it helps the people know whe the civil war is about to begin.
  • Genocide

  • RPF ends the genocide

    This event is importent because it takes control of the government.
  • War crimes trials begin

    This event is important because coutrs are run in Tanzania by the UN.
  • Apology from president clinton

    Apology from president clinton
  • 26 Defendants executed

    26 Defendants executed
  • Gacaca courts to be set up

    Gacaca courts to be set up