genocide in rwanda

  • Period: to


  • germany controls rwanda

    germany controls rwanda
    berlin confrence divides africa beetween european countries This leads to the next event by germeny losing in world war 1
  • Belgium gains control of rwanda

    Belgium gains control of rwanda
    after germany loses world war 1 belgium gains control This leads to the next event because the belgiums made the two ethnic groups the tutsis and hutus
  • Rwanda gains independence

    this lead to the next event because rwanda gaind indapendence and the hutu gained control of the goverment
  • civil war begins

    civil war begins
    a civil war begins beetween hutu contorolled goverment and rwanda patriotic front.(tutsi guierilla army) This event is important because its where the genocide starts.
  • genocide

    800,000 people die in 100 days. this important because its the number of people dead
  • RPF ends genocide

    RPF ends genocide
    Rpf ends the genocide by taking over the goverment. this is important because this is where the genocide ends.
  • war crime trials begin

  • apology from president clinton

    apology from president clinton
    president clinton and the leader of the un apologize for not stoping genocide. this is important because it is when president clinton and the un apologized for not helping stop the genocide
  • 26 defendants executed

    26 defendants executed for war crimes by rwanda goverment. rwanda later out laws the death penalty.
  • Gacaca courts to be set up

    Gacaca courts to be set up