Germany controls Rwanda
1885- Germany controls Rwanda
1919- Belgium gains control of Rwanda
1962- Rwanda gains independence
1991- Civil war begins
1994- Genocide
1994- RPF ends the genocide
1997- War crimes trials begin
1998- Apology from President Clinton
1998- 26 defendants executed
2000- Gacaca courts to be set up -
Belgium gains control of Rwanda
Rwanda gains independence
This is a important event because they finally have freedom and they dont have a leader and less people are dying and people have there own independence -
RPF ends the genocide
Civil war begins
Well that is because so people can be free and not be killed cause of there skin color and what there religion is no body deserves to die cause of that -
War crimes trial begins
People need to know this is because people need to know what happened to inasent people and that no one deserves to get murdered because of there skin color -
Apology from President Clinton
he said sorry because how many peopled got murdered and because he didn't do anything about any of these crimes -
26 defendants executed
They got the death penalty because they have done really bad stuff to people they raped women and killed men and women even kids that's why they have the death penalty -
Gacaca courts to be set up
The courts are set up to punish the people who committed many murders. These courts are important because it will help with the healing process if people know the murderers are brought to justice.