
Genocide and Crimes against Humanity in the 20th century

  • Congo Free State Genocide

    Congo Free State Genocide
    (Not certain on the exact date)
    In, 1885 King Leopold II of Belgium personally owned the "Belgian Congo". He demanded workers to collect rubber and meet a certain quota by the end of day. If the quota was not met he would make sure soliders or his workers would chop off their hands and collect them and show him. The genocide lasted from 1885 till 1903. Estimated around 10 million were killed during this era.
  • Armenia Genocide

    Armenia Genocide
    Started on April, 24th, 1915 Ottoman Empire allied with Hitler which lead the election of "Young Turks". The Young Turks wanted to "turkified" the nation which meant getting rid of the rest of the ethic groups. They started to get rid of government documents to the people that weren't Turkish. Every Armenian that was involved in the milltary lost their job. People got their rights stripped. They had death marches, and mass graves. 250,000 to 500,000 was the population of Aremina after the war.
  • Armenia Genocide (Aftermath)

    Armenia Genocide (Aftermath)
    The Aremina Genocide ended after the first world war. Turkish and Armenian's still do not get along due to their past. It is illegal to talk about the Aremina Genocide because Turkey still claims that it was a "Civiil War" where both Armenian and Turkish got killed. It was not till they had boarders and embassy in each other countries till 2009, after of decades of hate.
  • Spanish Flu (Historical Event)

    Spanish Flu (Historical Event)
    The Spanish Flu killed more people than WW1. Between 20-50 million died making it the most deadliest natural disasters in human history. The pandemic lasted from Jan. 1918 to Dec. 1920 spreading even to the Arctic and remote Pacific Islands.
  • Treaty of Versailles (Historical Event)

    Treaty of Versailles (Historical Event)
    The Treaty of Versailles were signed on June 28th 1919. The Versailles were signed in Paris, France. The Big 3 during the Versailles was USA, France and Britain.It was signed by German alliances which included Germany, Britain, France, Italy, and Russia. The Versailles was a formal agreement where they will end the once in for all, the treaty was broken 1935 when Hitler started rising to power.
  • League of Nations (Historical Event)

    League of Nations (Historical Event)
    The League of Nations called "Société des Nations" in French originated in Paris, France. The League of Nations was an organization founded on January, 10th, 1920. It was essentially a Paris Peace Conference were they ended the First World War. Some countries that were part of the League of Nations were Denmark, Poland, Netherlands these are just a few. The League of Nations does end up failing because we know that the Second World War happened in 1939.
  • Stalins Rise to Power (Historical Event)

    Stalins Rise to Power (Historical Event)
    On September, 21st, 1924 Vladimir Lenin passes away which marks the first day that Stalin starts to work up to the power he had. Many people say that people feared of him because of the consequences you would face if you didn't work with his order. Stalin as a secretary in the Russian government moves up to the leader. He starts industrializing the country and demands that every person work in the factories and if they don't obey they would be killed. With the worst famine in history.
  • World War 1 (Historical Event)

    World War 1 (Historical Event)
    World War 1 started on July, 28th, 1928. It had many background causes behind it mainly the assassination of Archduke Franz. He and his wife were both shot dead by a Sibera group. This lead to M.A.I.N. which includes militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism. With each country wanting to show off their military and the alliances that were starting forming. It was originally suppose to be a 4 month war it ended up to be 4 years. With over 37 million casualities and deaths.
  • Black Tuesday (Historical Event)

    Black Tuesday (Historical Event)
    On October, 29th, 1929 the stock market crashed holding 16 million shareholders. This lead to people getting bankrupted and it lead to the Great Depression due to the economic breakdown.
  • Great Depression (Historical Event)

    Great Depression (Historical Event)
    The Great Depression started on October 29th 1929 after the Black Tuesday where 16 million shareholders in the stock market loss their money. With the stock market crashing it lead the economy to do terribly. Citizens starting to lose jobs, lose their homes and they were living in rough conditions. The Depression did last for around 10 years and the prime reason that North Americans got out ofthe situation because the Second World War was started to bloom which lead many families to find jobs.
  • The Holodomor (Historical Event)

    The Holodomor (Historical Event)
    The Holodomor took place from 1932-1933. it was the worst famines because it lead to about 6 million deaths. The Holodomor had a series of events that made it one of the worst famines because it was in the peak of the Civil War. Ukraine was trying to get out of the power of Russia since they were in their power for over 200 years. The government started to make quotas on their agriculture.
  • The Holocaust Part 2 (Historical Event)

    The Holocaust Part 2 (Historical Event)
    The Holocaust was the systematic genocide because Jews were thrown into a train rode in it for hours, then they got off walked through a death camp, stripped down, and then walked into a gas chamber and was killed in 15 minutes. With about 6 million Jews killed in a time period of 12 years it meant that around 1,600 Jews per day.
  • Hitlers Rising to Power (Historical Event)

    Hitlers Rising to Power (Historical Event)
    Hitlers rise to power had lead from series of events. It In 1933, Von Papen convinces Hindenburg that Hitler will become chancellor Feb. 1933 the Reichstag building burnt down. A communist was found in the building and he responsibility. He convinced people that communist were the bad. Enabling Act. leads Hitler to ban all other political parties. The Night of Long knives marks the day where Hitler made sure his long time friend Rohm was killed because he would become a threat.
  • The Holocaust (Historical Event)

    The Holocaust (Historical Event)
    The Holocaust took place on Jan. 30th, 1933. Hitler being the leader at the time wanted every Jew killed. He thought they were a threat to him. With that mindset Hitler and Naizis started to construct death camps and ghettos. The Jews got their rights stripped, if they were a Jew they had to wear the Star of David on their clothing because Hitler and Naizis wanted to know who was a Jew. It was the most systematic genocide.
  • The Holodomor/ Stalin's force to famine (Historical Event)

    The Holodomor/ Stalin's force to famine (Historical Event)
    Farmers had to make sure they had enough wheat to give the government because Stalin would use it and feed different parts of Russia like Moscow. With Stalin coming into power he has killed over 40 million people during his ruling.
    (Not certain on the exact ending day of The Holodomor)
  • Hitler Rises to Power pt. 2 (Historical Event)

    Hitler Rises to Power pt. 2 (Historical Event)
    On August, 2nd, 1934 declares the death of President Hindenburg death due his old age. On this day it meant that Hitler was not only the Chancellor, but he was now declared the President. With Hitler banning all polticial parties and now having more power it lead to the most known Genocide the Holocaust.
  • Rape of Nanking (Historical Event)

    Rape of Nanking (Historical Event)
    Rape of Nanking happened during the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Second World War. The Rape of Nanking took place in the captial city of Nanking, China. The Japanese marched into the city butchered 50,000 male civlians, 150,000 males "war prisoners", and raped at least 20,000 women from all ages who were threatened and killed in the process. The masscare ended in Jan. 1938.
  • SS St. Louis (Historical Event)

    SS St. Louis (Historical Event)
    On May, 15th, 1939, 907 refugees sailed from Hamburg on the S.S. St. Louis and reached Havana, Cuba, on May 27, 1939. Arrangements for the voyage were organized independently by the Hamburg-American Line, without the involvement of any Jewish organizations. After the Cuban government refused to honor the refugees' accredited landing documents, however, JDC became involved in negotiations with the Cuban government. These discussions unfortunately failed.
  • Hitler vs Stalin (Historical Event)

    Hitler vs Stalin (Historical Event)
    The two most facist people in history come head to head on June, 22nd, 1940. Hitler breaks "The Secret Hitler-Stalin Pact" and starts to invade Russia. Resulting both countries going into war. Russia ends up losing up to 20 million people it got to the point where Stalin was killing his army. 13 years later Stalin passes on March, 5th, 1953
  • Cold War (Historical Event)

    Cold War (Historical Event)
    The Cold War was from 1941-1991. The dates have been debatable because different people thought it ended at various times. Approximately The Cold War lasted for about 50 years. It was battle between the Eastern and Western blocs. The Eastern Bloc included most of Eastern Europe and Central. Western Bloc included the United States. The Cold War started to happen because of the post tension of World War 2. It avoided political outlooks and military. The situation started with the United States an
  • Pearl Harbour (Historical Event)

    Pearl Harbour (Historical Event)
    Pearl Harbour happened on December 7th 1941. Japan tried to get their oil embargo lifted and keep the territory they wanted. That was not the case because due to the disagreement with the USA and Japan not agreeing this lead to Pearl Harbour. The Japanese 6 airplanes struck on December 7th a few moments before 8am. The attack resulted in 3,500 deaths that sank and damaged 18 ships. Just alone USS Arizona had 1,177 deaths. After this attack the USA and Canada did formally declare a war.
  • Japanese Internment into North America

    Japanese Internment into North America
    The Japanese Internment that happened in North America went from 1941 to 1945. They collected over 120,000 Japanese Americans collecting them to be sent out of the Pacific Coast and to the Rockies of British Columbia. The conditions during the internment were harsh on the campers because they were all bunched up in a room where they would sleep in stacks of hays of groups. During the time they recruited many of the men to work on the Canadian Pacific Railway.
  • Atomic Bombing -Hiroshima (Historical Event)

    Atomic Bombing -Hiroshima (Historical Event)
    On August 6, 1945 an atomic bomb named Little Boy was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. Tens of thousands of people were killed. The bomb was dropped by a plane named the Enola Gay . . A small parachute was on the bomb in order to slow its drop and allow the plane time to fly away from the blast zone.
  • United Nations (Historical Event)

    United Nations (Historical Event)
    The United Nations is intergovernmental organization that was started on October 24th 1945. It is a international co-operation. The organization was formed due to the ineffectiveness of The League of Nations. United Nations works along side with 193 countries trying to prevent child mortality, extreme poverty, maternal health and many more. Some founders of this organization include France, Denmark, Canada.
  • Vietnam War Part 1 (Historical Event)

    Vietnam War Part 1 (Historical Event)
    The Vietnam war started on November 1st 1955. The war was started because the north and south started to disagree on how their government should be ran due to disagreement it lead into a national disagreement. Resulting many people picking sides. The north and south went to war because of the communist government. The south fought alongside the USA because they valued democracy and the north vauled communism resulting them to side with Russia.
  • Vietnam War Part 2 (Historical Event)

    Vietnam War Part 2 (Historical Event)
    Russia being the most fascist country decided to work along north Vietnam because they agreed with the communist. The war lost up to 50,000-60,000 numbers are debatable due to many unidentified soliders and citizens. The war ended because USA pulled out and the Saigon fell to communism. The USA till this day say this is their worst war.
  • Atomic Bombing- Nagasaki (Historical Event)

    Atomic Bombing- Nagasaki (Historical Event)
    Emperor Hirohito and Japan still refused to surrender. Three days later, on August 9, 1945, another atomic bomb, nicknamed Fat Man, was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan. Six days after the bombing of Nagasaki, Hirohito and Japan surrendered to US forces. The Emperor announced this on the radio.
  • Suez Crisis (Historical Event)

    Suez Crisis (Historical Event)
    The Suez Crisis was an event in the Middle East in 1956. It began with Egypt taking control of the Suez Canal which was followed by a military attack from Israel, France, and Great Britain. The attack lasted for 1 week and 2 days from October 29th 1956-Novemeber 7th1956.
  • Mao's Genocide

    Mao's Genocide
    From 1958-1961 Mao Zedong wanted to transform China into an industrialized nation, making the country come together and work at factories, so they produce more products. There isn’t a lot of information stating Maos’ Genocide because no one is telling the story and the Chinese don’t want to talk about someone they worshipped. During the time Mao Great Famine had occurred where many people had to flee because there was droughts and floods. (Not sure on the exact date that it all started)
  • Cuban Missile Crisis (Historical Event)

    Cuban Missile Crisis (Historical Event)
    The Cuban Missile Crisis happened on October 14th 1962 and lasted for 14 days. With Cuba having nuclear bombs planted in the southern part of America due to actions of the Soviet. President John F Kennedy started to put up a naval blockade to block off the Soviet Naval ships. The Crisis resulted with the Soviet leader NIkita Khrushchev agreeing to take out the Soviet missiles and send all of his ships back home.
  • Apollo 11 (Historical Event)

    Apollo 11 (Historical Event)
    On July, 16th, 1969 NASA launched Apollo 11. The Apollo 11 held three men in the space craft Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins. The men mission was to be the first people to step on the moon and observe and take in as information they need for research. Neil Armstrong on July, 19th, 1969 was the first men to step on the moon. Making it one of the most successful missions for NASA.
  • Apollo 13 (Historical Event)

    Apollo 13 (Historical Event)
    Apollo 13 was the third manned mission that was going enable astronauts to land on Far Mauro formation. It did not happen because on the same day one of the oxygen tanks had bursted putting the men in the space craft in risk. The three men were James Lovell Jr., John Swigert Jr., and Fred Haise. The men ended up doing a splashdown landing which was around 250,000 miles. Making the men lose large amount of weight and Fred Haise resulting in a kidney infection.
  • Cambodian Genocide

    Cambodian Genocide
    The Cambodian Genocide occured because after Richard Nixon bombing on the country the Khmer Rouge came in power. The Khmer Rouge Communist Party of Kampuchea in Cambodia. They are communist individuals that are formed by North Vietnam Army. During this time they would murder anyone that didn't want to work in the rural areas. Cambodian Genocide killed 1.7 million people in 4 years, 21% of their population in Cambodia. It is was one the worst human tradegies in the 21st century.
  • Somalia Genocide

    Somalia Genocide
    The Somalia Genocide started because they started to lose control of their state. In Somalia there is no formal government, whcih means they don't have a leader that they follow from. More than 1 million people were killed. The TFG warloads and TFG-affilated Supreme ICU hated each other because they wanted to gain control. At the end of January 2009, Sheikh Sharif Ahmed was chosen to be President of Somalia hoping to bring in stability.
  • Bosnian Genocide

    Bosnian Genocide
    The Bosnian Genocide occured in April, 1992. It was a genocide that we haven't seen since the Holocaust. It was when Bosnia claimed as their own. Balkan States such as Serbia wanted to ethically cleaned out the region and make sure their were no more muslims. Over 1.5 million people were killed. Serbs did run concreation camps where Muslims would be killed and put in mass graves.
  • Rwanda Genocide

    Rwanda Genocide
    Rwanda genocide started on April, 7th, 1994 and it lasted 100 days which ended on July, 17th, 1994. The spark of genocide was when the airplane that the Rwandan President was in got shot down. Rwanda is separated by Hutus and Tutsis. The Hutu trigged most of the violence which included 800,000 people being killed. About 8,000 people were getting killed per day. The Rwandan genocide ended when Rwandan Patriotic Front fought against the Hutu which resulted the problems.
  • Congo Genocide

    Congo Genocide
    (Not certain on the exact date)
    In 1996, Democratic Republic of Congo faced loads of violence and killings. With 5,400,000 deaths, which meant 45,000 people died each month, with 1,500 killings per day. The Congo genocide began because regions of Africa were fighting because they had rich resources such as gold, copper, and diamonds. During this genocide they were fighting for polticial reasons also because Hutu refugees from Rwanda Genocide have unrested anger between the two regions.
  • 9/11 (Historical Event)

    9/11 (Historical Event)
    On September 11th 2001 a tragedy had struck for many Americans. At approximately 9:58 in Manhattan, New York their was a terrorist attack. The attack resulting the World Trade Center (South Tower) coming down. 30 minutes later the North Tower came crashing down. It resulted with over 6,000 casualties and about 3,000 deaths. The leader of this attack was captured and killed 2011 during Barack Obama presidency.
  • Swime Flu (Historical Event)

    Swime Flu (Historical Event)
    The Swine Flu started in April 2009 and lasted till 2010. The flu started from Mexico. It is influenza virus that can be tracted from pigs. The symptoms that come along with the flu is a barking cough, not wanting to eat, and nasal problems. The virus was spreading from person to person. It got to the point where many schools wanted their students vaccainted before coming back to school.
  • Refugee Crisis

    Refugee Crisis
    The Refugee Crisis started in March, 2011. It started because the government had a violent breakdown, and and rebels starting fighting against the government. During the time 220,000 Syrians were getting killed because of bombings. After, the civil outbreak in 2011 6.5 million people became refugees. They are now trying to flee from Syria and enter more poltically and economically stable places. This is still on going on situation because Canada and the USA aren't doing anything to help.