May 31, 1162
Birth Date of Genghis
Genghis Khan birth date. Son of Yesugei and Hoelun. Later to be the the founder of the Mongol empire. -
Jan 1, 1171
His Dad was poisoned.
Genghis, his mother and three brothers are abandoned by his father's tribe. The tribe didn't want to be ruled by a young boy. Genghis is raised by his mother. -
Jan 2, 1172
Genghis kills his half-brother.
Genghis kills his brother after getting in a fight with him at a hunting travel. Back then this was a sign of a "great warrior". His brothers name was Behter. -
Jan 3, 1177
Genghis gets ensalved by the Tayichi'ud
The Tayichi'ud(his fathers old allies) ensalve Genghis Khan. He escapes later on with help from Jelme and Bo'orchu. They become his generals after. -
Jan 1, 1187
Genghis saves his wife.
Genghis gathers some soilders and goes to the Merkit tribe to save Borte who was somebody elses wife at the time. Genghis saves her. They have a child 9 months later. -
Jan 4, 1187
Genghis gets married
He marries a woman from the Onggirat tribe named Borte. She was later kidnapped by the Merkit tribe. Genghis saves her later on. -
Jan 1, 1206
Temujin Becomes Genghis Khan
He was named ruler of the Turko-Mongol people .He was also named Genghis Khan, which translates to “Universal Ruler". Genghis was also betrayed by one of his followers that choose death over friendship. He ends up building the strongest empire in the world. -
Dec 23, 1209
First War
In 1206, Genghis leads his army out of Mongolia to the kingdom of Xi Xia in China. This was also known as the first foreign war of Genghis Khan. His army defeats the kingdom of Xi Xia in China and it becomes part of Mongolia. -
Jan 1, 1214
War of Zhongdu
In 1214, Genghis leads his army to northern China to fight the Zhongdu people. After getting there the emperor asks him to withdraw promising him valuable items. Genghis returns in 1216 to starve the city into surrending. -
Jan 3, 1218
Shah sends Genghis a head
Shah Muhammad of the Khwarizm Empire sends Genshis a head. Genghis seeked peace with Shah Muhammad. Shah send Genghis the head of Mongol envoy. Genghis gets mad and seeks revenge. -
Jan 3, 1226
Xi Xia
As punishment Genghis and his army storm back into the Xi Xia area. His army distroys a canal and water threatens to flood the city causing the Ningxian to surrender. -
Jan 3, 1226
Genghis Khan completely destroy Xi Xia
Genghis tells his army to go ahead and destroy Xi Xia. The army listens and destroy all the villages. The people os Xi Xia were ensalved. -
Jan 3, 1227
Genghis becomes very ill
Genghis Khan becomes very ill. He conquered a lot of land. People start to wonder what will happen after hes gone. -
Aug 25, 1227
Genghis Khans death
In the august of 1227 Genghis Khan pasts away.His death is still a mystery.People thought the cause was from battle wounds like falling off his horse. -
Jan 3, 1228
Genghis crosses central Asia
Genghis crosses Central Asia seeking revenge for Shah sending him the head of Mongol envoy. His army who are very furious pass central Asia. Thay also attack the cities of Samarkand and Bukhara. -
Jan 4, 1228
After Genghis Khan dies.
The Mongol empire continued to grow after Genghis Khan’s death. The empire did fall apart in the fourth century due to a incapible ruler.