Nov 14, 1162
The birth of Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan was born in Deluun Boldog near Mongolia. The name Temujin was given to Genghis Khan after his father had captured Tatar ruler Temujin. -
Feb 20, 1171
The abandon of Temujin and his family by his father's tribe
After the death of his father, Temujin wants to rule his tribe; however the tribe is against of being ruled by young boy, and expels him and his family. The tribe also casts out the family because there is not enough food. -
Feb 20, 1172
Temujin gets rid of his officious half-brother
Temujin kills his half-brother Benter who liked to take hold of everything that he caught during hunting. After that Temujin becomes the head of his family. -
Feb 20, 1177
Temujin escapes from the Tayichi'ud tribe
Tayichi'ud tribe, former allies of his father captures and enslaves Temujin, but he escapes with the help of the guard. This event is important because if Genghis Khan was not saved, he would be a slave for a long time or maybe he would be killed. -
Feb 20, 1187
Temujin marries a girl that his father chose for him
Temujin marries a girl whose name is Borte from the tribe Onggirat in order to build alliances with that tribe. Borte becomes his main wife even though Genghis Khan marries a lot of other women during his life. -
Feb 20, 1187
Temujin rescues his wife
Merkit tribe kidnaps Borte as a revenge for stealing Merkit wife by Temujin's father. Temujin then gathers several hundred warriors and rescues Borte who was someone's wife in the Merkit tribe. -
Feb 20, 1206
Temujin is named Genghis Khan
Temujin becomes the ruler of Turko-Mongol people and gets his name Chinggis, which means the "universal ruler". This event is important because from this time on Genghis Khan unites and rules Mongol tribes. -
Feb 20, 1209
Genghis Khan begins his first foreign war
Genghis Khan leads his army against the kingdom of Xi Xia in China. Genghis's army wins easily and Xi Xia becomes a vassal of Mongolia. -
Feb 20, 1226
Genghis Khan's final campaign
Genghis Khan leads his army to Xi Xia as a punishment for disobedience, and completely destroys the town. -
Aug 18, 1227
The death of Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan dies possibly due to his injuries that he got when he fell off the horse the previous year. -