Oct 21, 1162
Genghis Khan was born
Genghis Khan was born with the original name of Temujin between the border of modern Mongolia and Syberia. -
Oct 22, 1178
Genghis Khan gets married
At the age of 16 Genghis Khan married to a woman named Borte. This cemented the alliance between the Konkirat tribe and his own. -
Oct 22, 1182
Genghis Khan get captured
When Genghis Khan was about 20, he was captured in a raid by former family allies, the Taichi'uts, and temporarily enslaved. He escaped with the help of a sympathetic captor. -
Oct 21, 1206
Temujin is given the name of Genghis Khan
In 1206, the Mongols proclaimed Temujin to be Genghis Khan, which means “Universal Ruler.” -
Oct 22, 1206
Genghis Khan has control of centeral and eastern Mongolia
By 1206, Genghis Khan had also defeated the powerful Naiman tribe, this gave him control of central and eastern Mongolia. -
Oct 22, 1207
Genghis Khan defeats Xi Xia
In 1207, he led his armies against the kingdom of Xi Xia and, after two years, forced it to surrender. -
Oct 22, 1219
Genghis Khan plans an attack
1219, Contents
Early Life
The 'Universal Ruler'
Major Conquests
Genghis Khan's Death In 1219, Genghis Khan personally took control of planning and executing a three part attack of 200,000 Mongol soldiers against the Khwarizm Dynasty -
Oct 22, 1221
Genghis Khan conquered the Shah Muhammad
He conquered city after city, and eventually the Shah Muhammad and later his son were captured and killed, bringing an end to the Khwarizm Dynasty in 1221. -
Aug 18, 1227
Genghis Khan died
He died while putting down a revolt in the kingdom of Xi Xia