Jan 1, 1162
Genghis Khan is born
He was born on the banks of river Onon in North Hentiy Aimak of Mongolia. His birth name was Temujin (Bogle 351). He was named after a chieftan that his father had captured. He was born with a blood clot in his hand which in mongolian folklore means he was destined to be a leader. He was born to Hoelun and Yesukhai (Genghis). -
Jan 1, 1171
Abandoned by tribe
Genghis Khan was abandoned by his tribe after his father's death. His father was killed by a rival group of nomads who poisoned him to death. After this, no one wanted to be ruled by a kid, so Genghis Khan and his family were forced out of the tribe (Genghis). -
Jan 1, 1171
Genghis Khan kills his half brother
After being forced to live on their own, Genghis Khan's family had to find a way to eat. While hunting, Genghis Khan killed his half brother Bekhter.This led him to be the head of the family (Basic). -
Jan 1, 1182
Captured by rival nomad group
At the age of 20 years old Genghis Khan was captured by the Tayich'ud, an old family ally. With the help from some guards, he was able to escape. He then brought together an army of 20,000 men and destroyed the Tayich'ud (Genghis). -
Jan 1, 1185
Kamakura Period Bergins
Thr Kamakura period began in 1185 and ended in 1333. It started the basis of feudalism. It was named when Minamoto Yoritomo created the Kamakura Dynasty (Kamakura). -
Jun 10, 1190
Death of Fredrick Barbarossa
Fredrick was the Holy Roman Emperor and the King of Germany. Fredrick fought in the Third Crusade. He came to the throne in 1152. He won two great battles and then died. He drowned in a river while attempting to cross on his horse due to the fact that the bridge was not crossable (Fredrick). -
Jan 1, 1202
Famine of Egypt
In 1202 the Nile River failed to meet 13 cubits. A cubit is a unit of measure used to determine the flooding of the Nile River. When this happened, there was not enough fertile land to make enough crops. This caused a shortage of food and a famine across Egypt. The Nile only being 13 cubits was extremely rare (Chen). -
Jan 1, 1205
Layamon writes "Brut"
This was the first book written in middle english dialect. The writer was a priest at Areley and his book is about the Britons. It is about the history of the Roman Empire and a little of the Greek Empire (Layamon's). -
Jan 1, 1206
Defeats rival Naiman tribe
Genghis Khan defeats his biggest rival the Naiman tribe. This gave him control of all of Central Asia also known as the steppe. He won this battle through great military tactics. He is known for being a military genius (Genghis). -
Jan 1, 1207
Attacks China
Genghis Khan begins his attack on China.During this time China was currently under the rule of the Jin Dynasty. It took Genghis Khan a long time to break down the Great Wall, but he eventuallly succeeded (Basic). -
Jan 1, 1211
Burzenland Settled
Burzenland was settled by the teutonic knights. They were given authority to settle the land by King Andrew II. This land was officially claimed for Hungary which is where the knights were from (Wheeler). -
Jan 1, 1215
Captures Beijing
Genghis Khan put Bejing under seige and forced the Jin Dynasty to give out large amounts of silk. The Jin Dynasty later moved command to a city to the south. Genghis Khan saw this as breaking their agreement so he destroed Beijing entirely (Basic). -
Jan 1, 1218
Aimiens Cathedral burns to ground
In 1218 Aimiens Cathedral burned to the ground. It was a form of Gothic architecture. It was located in Aimiens, France. It was the largest of the three great gothic cathedrals of France (Aimiens). -
Jan 1, 1219
Attacks Khwarizm Dynasty.
The Khwarizm are a turkish dynasty in the muslim empire. After Genghis Khan was accused of having spies in trading caravans, he sent a diplomat to the governer who murdered the diplomat. After this Genghis Khan sent an army of 200,000 men and slaughtered everyone in sight (Genghis). -
Jan 1, 1226
Last successful battle
Genghis Khan had his last successful battle against the tanguts. The tanguts refused to send troops during the war with the Khwarizm Dynasty. Seeing this as a rebellion, Genghis Khan attacked the tanguts and destroyed them (Basic). -
Aug 25, 1227
Genghis Khan dies
The exact cause of his death is unknown, but it is believed he died of disease or fell off his horse. He was buried in an unmarked grave near the place of his birtrh. It was kept so secret that everybody who went to the funeral was eliminated so nobody knew where he was buried (Basic).