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  • Evolution by natural selection

    Evolution by natural selection
    Charles Darwin, published the book The origin of the species” introduced the scientific that populations evolve over the course of the generations through a process usually known by natural selection.
  • Mendel´s laws

    Mendel´s laws
    Mendel presented his Works in the Brunn Natural History Society, published them later as“Experiments about plant hybridization”. Is considered the Genetic´s father, in order to discover, thanks to his Studies with the pea plant,how the physical characters are transmitted from parents to children.
  • Words are coined: GEN

    Words are coined: GEN
    The botanist, Wilhelm Johannsen, coined the Word GEN, to describe each portion of the chromosome that controls a characteristic of inheritance--- phenotype
  • Function of genes

    Function of genes
    Geneticists from the United States, George Beadle y Edward Lawrie Tatumworked with fungi Neusrospora y Penicillium, discovering that genes direct the formation of enzymes through the units that make it up.Each unit is produced by a specific gene.
  • DNA discovery

    DNA discovery
    Oswald Theodore Avery y su colaborador Maclyn McCarthy demostró, descubrieron que el ácido desoxirribonucleico era el que contiene las instrucciones que determinan la forma y características de un organismo y sus funciones. Además, que a través del ADN se transmiten esas características a los descendientes durante la reproducción, tanto sexual como asexual.
  • Physical structure of DNA

    Physical structure of DNA
    James Watson and Francis Crick described the double helix structure of the DNA molecule, and test how genes determine inheritance.
  • Deciphering the genetic code

    Deciphering the genetic code
    The genetic code is deciphered by the teams of Marshall W.Nireberg, Severo Ochoa, Har Gobind Khorana and Sydney Brenner. From this, it is possible to predict hereditary characteristics by simply analyzing a person's DNA.
  • Sequencing of ADN

    Sequencing of  ADN
    Frederick Sanger developed the DNA sequencing method, also known as the Sanger method. This procedure obtains the sequence of a certain DNA fragment.
  • First mammal cloning

    First mammal cloning
    Ian Wilmut of the Roslin Institute in Scotland first cloned a mammal from an adult somatic cell, a Finnish Dorset lamb named dolly sheep. Unfortunately this first cloned living being had to be slaughtered seven years later, due to a very common lung disease among adult sheep.
  • Completion of the human genoma project

    Completion of the human genoma project
    The Human Genome Project is successfully completed. The human genome is determined to be the complete DNA sequence of a human being, divided into 24 fragments that condense 23 different pairs of chromosomes, and composed of between 25,000 and 30,000 different genes.