Mendel's Paper is published
DNA is identified by Friedrich Miescher
A human disease is first attributed to genetic causes
The word "genetics" is coined by William Bateson.
H. Muller shows that X-rays induce mutations in a dose-dependent fashion.
One gene encodes one protein,described by Beadle and Tatum.
DNA shaped as a double helix with antiparallel nucleotide chains and specific base pairing. This was deduced by Watson and Crick, using Rosalind Franklin's data provided by Maurice Wilkins.
Messenger RNA is the intermediate between DNA and protein.
The first restriction enzyme is purified by Hamilton Smith.
Recombinant DNA is first constructed by Cohen and Boyer.
DNA sequencing technology is developed by Fred Sanger.
PCR is developed by Kary Mullis.
DNA microarrays are invented by Pat Brown and colleagues.
Automated sequencing technology allows genome projects to accelerate.
The first cloning of a mammal (Dolly the sheep) is performed by Ian Wilmut and colleagues