
The life of Douglas MacArthur and his role in American/World History

  • Birth of Douglas MacArthur

    Birth of Douglas MacArthur
    Douglas MacArthur was born on January 26th 1880 to Captain Arthur MacArthur and Ms. Mary Pinkney Hardy. He was born in Little Rock at the (Tower Building) of the Little Rock Arsenal. Photo: (
  • Spanish American war begins

    Spanish American war begins
    America declares war on Spain and officially enters the Spanish/American War. While this war does not directly influence Douglas MacArthur (due to him not yet having entered West Point yet). It would affect him and his family's life after his graduation on June 11th 1903. One of his first duty stations would be in the recently acquired (through the Spanish/American War victory) the Philippines. The Philippines would be a constant theme throughout General MacArthurs life and military service.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris, was significant in the fact that after the defeat of the Spanish during the Spanish/American War, America would gain Guam, Puerto Rico and the Philippines from Spain. This would help to play key a role in American history, as well as, World history. Because once the Empire of Japan decided to enter World War II, part of Japan's plan would be to take over as many islands within its scope to hopefully advance its territory and so Guam and The Philippines were apart of this.
  • World War I

    World War I
    On July 24th 1914, the World would break out into it's first World War. Of Course at the time it wasn't known that a second World War was coming, so it had been referred to as the "war to end all war's". During the War General Douglas MacArthur would not play a particularly large role. However in it he would receive six Silver Stars. He was put in for the Medal of Honor but would not receive it until WWII for his actions in defending the Philippines against the Japanese invasion.
  • Battle of Champagne-Marne Offensive "the Second Battle of Marne"

    Battle of Champagne-Marne Offensive "the Second Battle of Marne"
    This battle lasted between July 15th and lasted until August 6th. It was Germany's last big assault of the war. During this assault General MacArthur would be awarded two Silver Stars. One was for his role is holding back the offensive from Germany on the allies. The second would come on the following counterattack that was launched by the on Germany. This counter attack would essentially, all but break the will of Germany to continue the war. And on November 11th a cease fire was reached.
  • Armistice Day

    Armistice Day
    After the counter attack that was lead in part by General MacArthur, the German's were all but "ripped out" and then on November 11th 1918 all sides came to an agreement to have an armistice. This was essentially a cease fire until all countries involved could sit down and come up with a treaty. This treaty would come to known as the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The Great Depression hit America on October 29th 1929. It had many devastating effects on people in America. Namley the lack of jobs, banks closing, people loosing everything. General MacArthur would end up playing a pivotal role in helping to get Americans back on their feet and help to revitalize the nation.
  • Bonus March

    Bonus March
    During the Great Depression, many segments of the American population were affected, among them being veterans. Veterans that served in WWI were told they would be issued a $1,000 check by 1945 for their service in the war. However, on October 29th 1929 the Great Depression struck. Many of the WWI veterans who were struggling marched on Washington D.C. to demand that they receive the $1,000 check early to help them get by. Chief of Staff MacArthur was called in to help subdue the protest.
  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    Civilian Conservation Corps
    On March 31st 1933 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was determined to try to help "jolt" the American economy back to life after facing the Great Depression. He came up the "New Deal". One of the legislations of the New Deal, was the creation of the Civilian Conservation Corps. It was designed to help get unemployed young men employed again, while at the same time help preserve this nations beauty. Roosevelt picked none other than General MacArthur to spearhead the new program.
  • Field Marshal of the Philippines

    Field Marshal of the Philippines
    In 1935, then Lieutenant General Douglas MacArthur would take a voluntary pay cut and be demoted to the rank of Major General and then serve as the "Field Marshal" to the Filipino government and help to oversee the creation and training of the Filipino Army. He would serve in this role simultaneously while still on Active Duty with the U.S. Army.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    After being recalled to active duty from retirement, MacArthur was given the rank of Lieutenant General and was awarded the title of "Commander of U.S. Army Forces in the Far East". However, not long after Pearl Harbor he was given the title of "Supreme Allied Commander" of the Pacific Theatre from 1941-1945. He would over see the conquest and recapturing of islands throughout the Pacific region, including the island nation of the Philippines.
  • Japanese Invasion of the Philippines

    Japanese Invasion of the Philippines
    Only mere hours after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor they had invaded the island nation of the Philippines. However, in 1935 General MacArthur had moved to the Philippines and became (Field Marshal) of the Philippines. This was interesting in the fact that he was still a Major General in the U.S. Army while assuming this role. Never the less, as Field Marshal he would oversee the creation and preparation of the Filipino Army and help the government to defend itself incase of Japanese invasion.
  • Escape to Australia

    Escape to Australia
    There is one event that has lingered with General MacArthur and not in a good way. On March 11th 1942, under instruction from President Roosevelt he fled from the Philippines and headed for Australia to set up his new command there. Soon after this he is appointed "Supreme Allied Commander" of the Pacific theatre and would wage his counter attack on the Japanese. He escaped via a PT-32 boat which rendezvoused with the USS Permit which then took him to Fremantle, Australia.
  • Battan Death March

    Battan Death March
    On April 9th 1942, just 4 short months after the initial invasion of the Philippines by the Japanese, Bataan was captured and the Japanese had all but fully captured the island nation. The Bataan death march would soon ensue. With approximately 76,000 captured allied forces (American/Filipino) were forced to make a march from Bataan to various prison camps. This 60-65 mile march was made with no water or food. It is estimated that approximately 10,000 allied troops did not survive the march.
  • Signing of the "Instrument of Surrender" aboard the USS Missouri

    Signing of the "Instrument of Surrender" aboard the USS Missouri
    On September 2nd 1945, the Japanese had capitulated and were Brough aboard the USS Missouri to sign the "Instrument of Surrender". And of course the person in charge of the whole event would be, none other than the Supreme Allied Commander, General Douglas MacArthur himself. This surrender was a complete surrender. To this day Japan can have no standing military, other than a "self-defense force" and can no declare war on any other nation, it is written into their constitution.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    On Jun 25 1950 the North Korean Army invaded the nation of South Korea. General Douglas MacArthur was once again called into action. He was appointed as Commander of the United Nations to oversee thatNorth Korea was pushed out of South Korea. While he did have success in pushing the North Koreas back past the 38th Parallel, he was an "old fashioned" kind of soldier and wanted nothing less than complete surrender of the North. President Truman did not agree and ultimately MacArthur was relieved.
  • Death

    After leading such an adventurous life General Douglas MacArthur passed away on April 5th 1964 of acute kidney and liver failure.