Health in the 20s
Regular Medical Check-ups
To ensure continued good health, make sure to regularly visit the dentist, gynecologist, optometrist, doctor, and dermatologist. Visit the gynecologist every two-three years, the dentist every half to one year, and doctor every two years. -
Daily Exercise
To prevent osteoporosis, exercise daily: jog, hike, bike, or do any other active activity. Make sure to protect yourself from the sun with sunglasses, a hat, and sunscreen to prevent skin cancer. Be careful not to overexert yourself, because this can also be dangerous. -
Emotional Health
It is easy to become depressed or overwhelmed when in your 20s. Volunteer, surround yourself with friends, change something in your life, and get rid of people/situations that make you unhappy to keep up your mental health. -
Health in the 30s
Metabolism slows down when in your 30s, so make sure to eat a variety of healthy foods and avoid consuming too much sodium to prevent heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and other unhealthy effects of bad eating. -
Be aware of your muscles
Your muscles will begin to be replaced with fat. Make sure to exercise (strength-bearing and weight-bearing activities) regularly to stay in good shape and prevent becoming overweight. -
Health in the 40s
Know your family's health history
It is important to know your family's health history so you can focus on being healthy. This is the time to be aware of diseases and problems later in life, such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Make sure your doctor has this information as well so they can treat you to the best of their ability. -
Take care of your mental health
Stress and anxiety are not fun by themselves, but can also lead to increased blood pressure and depression. These are all bad for your health, and can lead to a worsened state of health later on. -
Take care of your bones and muscles
In your 40s you are susceptible to arthritis, tendonitis, osteoporosis, and other maladies that can cause chronic pain. Like any other time, make sure to exercise regularly and eat well, without overdoing it. Women after menopause are especially at risk for osteoporosis. -
Health in the 50s
Maintain your regular checkups
Make sure to keep up with your skin, physical, cholesterol, and eye exams, as your risk for many chronic health problems will have increased. -
Keep away from bad habits and make good ones
Do not smoke or use tobacco, and only drink alcohol in moderation. Try to avoid excess stress; it can actually speed up your aging! Make sure to get enough sleep and stay active. Both sleep and exercise are of the best ways to maintain good health. -
Health in the 60s
Know the warning signs
Know the warning signs for problematic diseases and maladies. Once you have identified a symptom or warning sign, make sure to notify your doctor immediately.