Gandi's Life

  • Period: to

    Gandhi's life

    When Gandi started and ended his life
  • Graduation and Death

    Graduation and Death
    When Gandhi finished studying at Inner Temple Law School in England and passed as a lawyer, Gandhi found out his mother passed away without him knowing while he was at school.
  • Gandhi gets kicked off the train

    Gandhi gets kicked off the train
    In South Africa, Gandhi gets kicked off the train. This is because he refused to move from his First Class seat, even though he had a ticket. This was common for Indians, but Gandhi was not common to racial discrimination, so he came up with the idea to fight against it.
  • The British Government

    The British Government
    The Rowlatt Act is passed by The British Government and is when you have the power to arrest people and keep them in prison without a trial if they are suspected as a terrorist. Also, The Indian National Congress started the Hartal Movement. This is when thousands of Indians stopped working and stopped selling and buying British goods for protest. Although, it did not go as planned and violent riots started happening. In Amritsar, 379 Indians were killed, 1,000 were badly injured.
  • Salt Act

    Salt Act
    The Salt Act is what The British passed which makes it illegal for Indians to make their own salt. The punishment can be at least three years in jail. Gandhi, at 61 years old, travelled 320 km walking on March 12th. It was for 24 days to Dandi and was to encourage others to make their own salt. Other people followed, but Gandhi was yet again imprisoned.
  • India's Independence

    India's Independence
    India is granted independence, but soon after the Hindu's and Muslim's start clashing. Gandhi tried to keep peace, but did not succeed. Sadly Gandhi was assassinated by a young Hindu man who didn't agree with Gandhi's ideas.