Indian Rebelion
The Goverment of inida act
Gandhi is born
Gandhi is born in Porbandar on the northwest coast of India. -
Gandhi is thrown of a train
Gandhi stays in southafrica
The day he is due to return to India, Gandhi learns about a bill that would deny Indians the right to vote. With no opposition to it, Gandhi's friends convince him to stay for another month to fight the bill. Gandhi ends up staying in South Africa for 20 years. -
Gandhis father dies
Ghandi publishes the green panphlet
Gandhi becomes a lawyer
After completing his studies, Gandhi returns to India to start a law practice in Bombay. -
Gandhi marries Kasturbai Makhanji
At the age of 13, Gandhi marries 14 year-old Kasturbai Makhanji. In an arranged marriage -
Gandhi goes to southafrica
He goes to south africa because of his firm and finds out indians are discriminated -
Gandhi asks the Indian community of South African to refuse to comply with the Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act.
When the Transvaal government announces that all Indians must register and produce identification on demand or risk deportation, Gandhi asks Indians to peacefully resist. -
Ghandi is arrested
Among the first to see the court magistrate for his refusal to register with the government in South Africa, Gandhi is arrested. -
WW1 starts
The Greeeat war starts -
The Great war or ww1 ends
Ghandi publishes the decleration of independence of india
Having returned to India as a hero in 1915, Gandhi leads the movement to break away from Great Britain. He publishes the Declaration of Independence of India, representing the Indian National Congress, and makes his case for Indian independence. -
Gandhi leads the salt march
Forced to buy salt only from Britain, Gandhi protests the monopoly by leading the Salt March from Sabermanti to the Arabian Sea, 240 miles away. Gandhi led tens of thousands of people by the time they reached the sea, where they defied the law by making their own salt. Protests break out all across India and 60,000 are arrested, including Gandhi. -
Gandhi starts fasting
Great Britan grand india and pakistan their independence
Calling it the "noblest act of the British nation," Gandhi celebrates India's independence from England. Unfortunately, the celebration does not last when hundreds of thousands of people die as the result of violence between the Muslims of Pakistan and the Hindus of India. -
Gandhi is killed
Gandhi is shot and killed