
  • Birth

    Gandhi was born on October 2,1869. He was born near Bombay.
  • Marriage

    He was married when he was 13. It didn't seem to weird to get married that early
  • Attending School

    Attending School
    He went to a university in London. He studied law. there
  • Peace

    Gandhi began the peaceful revolution in 1906. He declared he would go to jail or die before obeying the anti-asian law.
  • Helping Hands

    Helping Hands
    He gave help to being an ambulance driver in world war 1. He helped the British with his ambulance.
  • Promotion

    Gandhi was well liked now by the Indian people. So he became a leader in the newly formed Indian National Congress political party.
  • Salt March

    Salt March
    In a protest to the salt tax, Gandhi led thousands of Indians on a two hundred mile trip to get there own salt from the sea.
  • Retirement

    Ghandi retired as the head of the party. But he was still an actual leader.
  • Independence

    Gandhi and India gained indépendance in 1947. This was a big day for India.
  • Death

    Gandhi was assassinated in 1947. He was killed when he was going to pray in Delhi. He was killed by a Hindu.