
  • Gandhi becomes a lawyer

    Gandhi becomes a lawyer
    He became a lawyer then went back to India. He tried to be a lawyer there but he failed in India. He went to south Africa to try to become a lawyer there, This started all of Gandhi's peaceful marches.
  • Gandhi founded the Natal Indian Congress

    The congress was formed to fight the discrimination against Indian Traders in Natal. Gandhi helped Indians to be able to trade in natal
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    Out break of Boer war Gandhi organizes an ambulance corps

    Gandhi helped save the wounded the corps moved them away from the front line and to the railroad. Gandhi and 33 others were awarded the Queen's South Africa Medal
  • Gandhi established the Indian opinion

    Gandhi established the Indian opinion
    This news paper was an important tool for gandhi's political movement. I helped fish against Racial discrimination and win civil rights
  • Boer Republic Transvaal, attempts to register all indians as members

    Gandhi and others refuse to register. The resistence effort is the first use of nonviolent by the Indian minority in South Africa.
  • Indians in Natal and Transvaal

    Indians in Natal and Transvaal
    Gandhi and his people march peacefully in protest of a racist poll tax and marriage laws. During the march he got arrested then he got bailed out then he rejoined the march and then got re-arrested
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    Salt march

    Gandhi's salt march sent waves across the subcontinent inspiring lots of indians to launch strikes and boycotts against the salt tax. Gandhi captured the worlds attention and showed the mass resistance to British rule.
  • Government of india act passes

    This act allowed women to vote, it also allowed direct elections. The system of Diarchy was dropped. This act was the first step of freedom towards india.
  • Quit india movement

    This movement demanded an end to British rule in india. Gandi made call to Do or Die in his quit India speech. This shaped Gnashes identity since it was a push towards freedom.
  • India gains independence

    Gandhi's Identity gets shared a lot here since this is what he was trying to get his whole life. India finally gets free Gandhi is happy that india is free.