
  • The birth of Mahatma Gandhi

    The birth of Mahatma Gandhi
    He was born in Porbandar, near Bombay. His family belong to the Vaisya class
  • Found himself a wife

    Found himself a wife
    When Gandhi was only 13 he found himself a wife.
  • His diploma

    His diploma
    When he was 19 he went to a college of law in university college in London.
  • He discovered civil disobedience.

    He discovered civil disobedience.
    When he was alone in school he would reed and he read about civil disobedience.
  • He found the native congress

    He found the native congress
    He had seen how they were treated as inferior in India, in England, and then in South Africa. He found the Natal Indian Congress to agitate for Indian rights.
  • Indian rights

    Indian rights
    Yet he remained calm and loyal to the British empire. During the Boer war he raised a ambulance corps and served the South African government.
  • The new beginning

    The new beginning
    Gandhi began a new peaceful revolution.
  • Quotes

    Gandhi once said be the change you want to see in the world.
  • Salt march

    Salt march
    The salt march was led by Gandhi and took place April of 1930. They had this protest to recommend the salt being cheeped. They were going to get salt from the ocean
  • Death

    He was killed by the man named nathuram godse