Train Ride
He was thrown off of a first-class train even though he paid the ticket. -
Move to South Africa
Gandhi arrived in South Africa. -
Indian Natal Congress
This is when the indian Natal Congress was created. -
Nearly Killed
Gandhi triedto make a short visit back to India and on his way bakc he was almost killed by a group of Europeans who were mad about the press reports of Gandhi. -
Gandhi took the vow of Brahmcharya. -
Asiatic Bill
On September 1, 1906 the draft of the Asiatic Bill was introduced. -
The Idea Of Satyagraha
Gandhi gives the idea of the non-violence philosophy, Satyagraha. -
On this date Gandhi left for England as he was a part of the Indian Delegation. -
Gandhi and about 26 other poeple are to be in a court and then were ordered to leave Transvaal. -
First TIme Arrested
This was Gandhi's first time being arrested becasue he refused to use a "pass". -
Gandhi is sentenced to go to prison becasue he refused to leave the Transvaal. -
Gandhi and about 2,000 Indians burned thier (registration) cards in protest. -
Gandhi and about 12 men and 3 woman board a train and don't show their passes, they later go to 3 months in prison. -
Gandhi in India
He went back to India and supported the Home Rule movement, then became the leader of the Indian National Congress. -
Gandhi arrives in Bombay on the S.S. Arabia. -
Rowlatt Bill
This law is then passed at this time. -
Rowlatt Act
Gandhi protested against this act and the police fired and killed 386 people. -
Salt Trip
Gandhi and other people began to start on their way to their "salt trip". -
This is when Gandhi created his own salt instead of buying the British salt. -
Gandhi gets arrested at this time. -
Group Protest
Gandhi takes a group to the Satyagrahis and he leads a march but they were beaten by the police, yet didn't defend themsleves, and GAndhi is sentenced with a 6 months. -
Gandhi and other people get released from prison. -
A Pact
The Gandhi-Irwin pact was signed. -
This date is when India gained its independence from the British Empire. -
This date is when Gandhi died.