Thrown off Train
This is when he decieded to fight for India's rights. -
Natal India Congress
This is his first big movement to freedom. -
He is almost lynched by white settlers while he was in India visiting his family. -
Starts a Law office
He starts a law office in Johannesberg, South Africa. -
Phoenix Settlement
This is where he would help people that escaped India -
First Protest
This is when Ghandi orginized his first peaceful protest agaisnt Indian laws -
Spreads his non-violent Protest
He shares his philosophy with Satyagraha. -
Imprisonment for Protest
This was Ghandi's first imprisonment. -
Arrested for no ID
Arrested for refusing to carry an ID card in South Africa. -
Free March
This is when he haad thousands of people march with him for freedom. -
Gandhi comes back India
Given Control
This is when he got exclusive authority over the Indian national congress -
Jailed for conspiricy
He is put in jail for encouraging violence -
He begins a 21 day fast to restore the relationship of Hindus and Muslims. -
All Indian Spinners
He made a group of people spin cloth illegally. -
This is the date when India was free -
Salt march
He made salt -
This was his release from prison for the salt march -
He fasts to protest the untochable law. -
He fasts to protest the untouchables. -
Pakistan is created -
He and the enrire government -
Cabinet Mission
Gandhi nogotiated wih them for a new law. -
Gandhi is killed by an angry hindu