• Gandhi’s Birth

    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is born, Gandhi is born in India.
  • Gandhi Gets Mariied.

    When Gandhi was 13 he got married. Kasturba and Gandhi had three children,
  • Gandhi Returns to India

    Gandhi returns to India after being in collage in London. Then goes to South Africa.
  • Gandhi Begins his Peaceful Revolution.

    Gandhi begins his peaceful revoultion after helping others in the Zulu revolt. He does this by making a ambulance corps.
  • Gandhi becomes leader of a Indian National Congress political party.

    Gandhi becomes leader of a newley formed Indian national congress political party. There he helps india with its big problems.
  • Gandhi Gets locked up

    Gandhi gets but in prison for telling Indians in Britain to boycott British goods. Then gets locked up two other times after that.
  • Gandhi is released from prison

    Gandhi gets let out of prison. Then a few years later he is put in prison again.
  • Gandhi retires

    Gandhi retired by still stayed leader of the party. While still leader he still helps India out.
  • Gandhi’s victory came.

    Gandhi’s victory came when India gained its independence. This was just a year before his death
  • Gandhi Dies

    Gandhi is killed by an Hindu. Muslims and Hindus around India mourned his death.