Gandhi's birth
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in Porbandar, today that is the state Gujarat in India. His mother was a very religious woman named Putibai Gandhi and his father was the chief minister of Porbandar. -
Gandhi studies law
When Ghandi was 19 years old he went and studied law at a University college in London. This was where he learned about the principals of nonviolence. -
Ghana goes to South Africa
After just 9 months of college Ghandi graduates and comes home and then heads out to South Africa. This was where he became the first colored lawer. -
Gandhi helps the south African government.
Before the Boer war Gandhi was loyal to the Brittish Empire but served the South Africa government by raising an ambulance corps to fight the Brittish. -
Gandhi begins his peaceful revolution
Gandhi decided that peace was the best solution to this war. He claimed he would go to jail before law.obeying an anti-Asian -
Gandhi becomes a leader of the Indian Nation Congress party
Gandhi had been working hard for "home rule" of India so when the Indian Nation Congress was formed he was an obvious choice as a leader. -
Gandhi launches a noncooperation campaign
Gandhi gets people to make there own cotton and boycott Brittish goods. He was imprisoned for 2 years because of this. -
Gandhi retires as head of the Indian Nation Cogress
He retired as head of the party but remained the actual leader. He became convinced that India would need to defeat the Brittish to be free. -
India wins independence from Britain
The Brittish surrendered leaving the country to be divided into India and Pakistan. This caused lots of hIndu muslim riots. -
Gandhi's assignation
Gandhi was assinated by a Hindu who did not like what he had done to Africa. He was on his way to prayer in Deihi when he was killed.