Dad Death...
So this is one of the sadest days for Ghandi since he loss his father, his name was Karamchand Ghandi and this really affected Ghandi but passed through it. -
So at this date lots of interesting laws came out that harmed the Indian people since all Indians needed to be registered according to their colony. So this Indian were being harmed and that was when Ghandi came up with this Satyagraha idea that means loyalty to the truth and this idea represented that they wouldnt fight back no violence wouild be used against others. -
Back to India...
So at this day Ghandi goes back to his lands in India and he is well recived by his followwers and recoginzed for all the work he has beein doing for the people he is seen as a hero. -
So at this date was when gandhi started to lead the peseants towards following the Satyagraha plan and people stared to act towards it. -
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre...
So during this date we can actually see how the soildiers march towards the people and point at them. Soldiers get their weapons up and start shooting the people a bunch were hit the whole floor was full of dead bodies. So all this happened since Ghandi organized a event that was called prayer and fasting day in which all protestors were killed at Jallianwala Bagh Massacre by the British Colonial troops. -
There was no coperation with the plan so he sended urgent cards to India for them to asistence and he recived them near August when he handed the medal. -
This was if not the most important one of the most since at this date was when Ghandi finally finished the Declaration of independance of India. -
So this event was one of the one that maybe took more courage to do since he picked up some salt down by the sea shore when everyone was watching him, then he was arrested. -
So during this time Gandhi was passing through toughf moments since ha suffered a very ow health and aswell douring this time the first movements of independance started to be made. -
Goes real.
So at this August 15 the independance was reall and Pakistan and India were against. -
Gandhi got shot infront of crowd and suffered death.