

  • date of birth

    Mahandas Gandhi was born October 2nd 1869.
  • Young love

    Gandhi marries his wife Kasturba Makanji when he's seventeen years old. His parents arranged it.
  • Education

    Gandhi goes to school to study law
  • homecoming

    Gandi goes back to India and begins to practice law
  • new office

    Gandhi opens law office in Johannesberg
  • Protest

    Gandhi organizes his very first protest against laws in South Asia
  • Jail time.

    Gondhi goes to jail for the first time.
  • home again

    gandhi finally returns home in India
  • locked up

    After a very long trial Gandhi is sentenced to spend sex years in jail.
  • salt

    Gandhi goes to jail for breaking Indias salt law
  • untouchables

    Gandhi protests the untouchables.
  • All Indian Village Industries Association

    Gandhi launches the All Indian Village Industries Association.
  • new movement

    Gandhi starts the Quit India movement
  • assassination

    Gandhi gets shot.