
By John_l
  • First Attacks

    The Allies begin an attack on the Gallipoli Peninsula, in an attempt to take the Ottomans out of the war. However, this attack was a faliure and gave the Ottamans an oppotunity to prepare for a real attack.
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  • Landings

    British, French and Anzac troops land under the cover of darkness. However, they are spotted by Captin Faik, and troops and ships are showered with artillery, and many died just as they begin to land.
  • Battles of Kirthra

    General Hamilton orders an attack on the village of Kirthra, led by British and French troops. But through the course of this battle, no land was gained by the allies who also susstained heavy casualties.
  • August offensive

    The Allies launch another attack to try capture Suri Bair ridge. Although the Anzacs original feints were successful, the British attempts were not and was met with heavy resistance. the Allies stil had made no ground and had susstained more casualties
  • Evacuation

    The Allies begin evacuation, even though Hamilton does not want this. Anzac cove and Suvla Bay were evecuated first, with the final evacuation being Helles on January 9, 1916