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G-Suite Apps Implementation

  • Capacity

    Capacity - Shared Leadership and Decision Making
    1. Determine district leadership team (Spring 2019)
    2. Establish monthly district leadership team meetings (Spring 2019)
    3. Establish timeline to train/support all stakeholders in G-Suite Apps (Spring 2019)
  • Implementation

    Implementation - Evidence-Based Instruction, Intervention, and Assessment Practices & Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring
    1. Establish expectations of implementation for all stakeholders (Spring 2019)
    2. Establish system to collect data and what implementation data will be collected (Spring 2019; ongoing)
    3. Determine how to collect G-Suite Apps usage from teachers/students (Summer 2019; ongoing)
    4. Determine how to screen for evidence-based instruction (Summer/Fall 2019)
  • Outcome

    Outcome - Data-Based Problem Solving and Decision Making
    1. Determine what outcome data to collect from G-Suite Apps (Fall 2019)
    2. Establish rubric or proficiency for students to be college, career, and citizenship ready using G-Suite Apps (Fall 2019)
    3. Establish guidelines for student or teacher badging and certification (Fall 2019)
    4. Use of CVUSD Digital Literacy & Technology Skills Framework to create assessments and monitor for problem-solving and decision making (Fall 2019)