Future Life

  • Period: to

    1 Year Credit Actions

    Save money
    Don't buy things I don't need
    Create a savings account
  • Period: to

    5 Years Credit Actions

    Pay all bills on time
    Limit myself with credit cards
    Keep saving money
  • Period: to

    10 Years Credit Actions

    Make sure family is financially stable
    Watch credit cards
    Keep a stable career
    Pay off all student loans asap
  • Period: to

    Regular Basis Lifetime

  • Regular Basis Lifetime Actions

    Regular Basis Lifetime Actions
    Pay bills on time
    Limit youself to credit cards
    Don't buy useless things you don't need
  • 1 Year

    1 Year
    Graduating High School
  • 5 Years

    5 Years
    Live in my own house
    Have my own car
    Graduating college
  • 10 Year

    10 Year
    Own a house
    Starting my own career