From Exploration to Independence

  • Period: 1800 BCE to 800

    The Maya

    The Maya were a civilization known for their architecture. It is not known how they died out.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 600 BCE

    The Olmec

    The Olmec were the earliest of these mesoamerican civilizations. They pioneered some of the technology used by later peoples.
  • 1095

    Pope Urban calls for Crusades in the Holy Land

    Pope Urban calls for Crusades in the Holy Land
    Pope Urban starts a series of religious wars that involved the Muslims. They lasted over 200 years.
  • 1200

    Europe is a Farming Economy (Feudalism)

    Europe is a Farming Economy (Feudalism)
    Servants and vassals worked for manor owners and gave them food from farming and overall help in exchange for shelter and protection.
  • Period: 1200 to 1521

    The Aztec

    The Aztec were a New World civilization that inhabited the island of Tenochtitlan. They died out during the 1500s due to repeated conflicts with the Spanish.
  • 1271

    Marco Polo travels to the East

    Marco Polo travels to the East
    Marco Polo begins his journey across Europe, accompanied by his father and uncle.
  • 1289

    The Crusades end

    The Crusades end
    The Muslims regain the territory taken by the Crusaders and the Europeans retreat.
  • 1293

    Marco Polo travels home

    Marco Polo travels home
    Marco Polo returns home to Europe from his expedition with only his family and very few crewmates.
  • 1298

    Polo is put in prison and writes his book

    Polo is put in prison and writes his book
    Marco Polo writes his book "The Travels of Marco Polo" and utters his famous last words: "I have not told the half of what I saw."
  • Period: 1300 to

    The Renaissance Period

    A time in Europe when a plethora of new inventions and art pieces are created due to explorers returning home with new ideas.
  • Period: 1400 to 1532

    The Inca

    The Inca were a shorter-lived New World civilization that were eventually eliminated by the Spanish conquistadors.
  • 1415

    The Portuguese capture the Fortress of Ceuta in Africa

    The Portuguese capture the Fortress of Ceuta in Africa
    This was the first time the Portuguese had explored Africa, and they had found gold, which was immensely popular in Europe at the time.
  • 1419

    The Portuguese discover the Madeira Islands

    The Portuguese discover the Madeira Islands
    This Portuguese expedition was funded by Prince Henry and its success encouraged him to fund more expeditions.
  • 1427

    The Portuguese discover the Azores Islands

    The Portuguese discover the Azores Islands
    This was another fruitful expedition funded by Prince Henry that encouraged him to fund more scientific endeavors.
  • 1434

    Explorers successfully return from Cape Bojador

    Explorers successfully return from Cape Bojador
    Cape Bojador was notorious for being difficult to navigate, in addition to being incredibly dangerous. Many voyages failed before, but this one was successful.
  • 1440

    Johannes Gutenberg invents the Printing Press

    Johannes Gutenberg invents the Printing Press
    Gutenberg combines a wine press and a foreign stamping technique to create one of the most impactful inventions in history.
  • 1469

    Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand are married

    Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand are married
    Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon are married, uniting Spain and Portugal.
  • 1488

    Bartolomeu Dias reaches Africa by boat

    Bartolomeu Dias reaches Africa by boat
    Bartolomeu Dias becomes the first European explorer to reach Africa after rounding the Cape of Good Hope and coming from Portugal.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus reaches America

    Christopher Columbus reaches America
    Christopher Columbus reaches America by boat, being funded by Queen Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain.
  • 1519

    Cortes Invades the Aztec

    Cortes Invades the Aztec
    Hernan Cortes, armed with a large army and powerful firearms, formed an alliance with the Tlaxcalans and forces the Aztec to convert to Christianity.
  • 1529

    Pizarro Invades the Inca

    Pizarro Invades the Inca
    Explorer Francisco Pizarro invades Inca territory, learns about their culture through translators, and takes their leader, Atahualpa, hostage.
  • 1532

    The Inca fall under Pizarro

    The Inca fall under Pizarro
    Atahualpa is killed, and Manco Inca becomes the new puppet leader. Pizarro divides their land, and the remaining Inca retreat to the mountains and slowly die out due to various conflicts.
  • Thomas Hobbes writes The Leviathan

    Thomas Hobbes writes The Leviathan
    In a time where ideals were challenged, Thomas Hobbes wrote The Leviathan, a study about the ethical treatment of man. He believed that man needed guidance, but not from a monarch.
  • John Locke writes The Second Treatise on Government

    John Locke writes The Second Treatise on Government
    In a time where ideals were challenged, John Locke wrote The Second Treatise on Government, a study about the ethical treatment of man. He believed that man could function on their own, and this was the was nature intended it to be.
  • The United States declares Independence

    The United States declares Independence
    The Declaration of Independence is signed and therefore America is now freed from Britain.
  • France writes the Declaration of the Rights of Man

    France writes the Declaration of the Rights of Man
    Based upon the ideals explained in the Second Treatise on Government, France drafted a list of rules about the treatment of their citizens called the Declaration of the Rights of Man.
  • Haiti Gains Independence

    Haiti Gains Independence
    With the help of Toussaint L'ouverture, Haiti was freed from the French rule and became its own independent country.
  • Bolivar and His Soldiers Begin Venezuela’s Fight for Independence

    Bolivar and His Soldiers Begin Venezuela’s Fight for Independence
    Simon Bolivar and his army end up winning independence against the motherland, but he appoints himself as leader and ends up creating what he was trying to avoid: a dictatorship.
  • Bolivar’s Gran Columbia Gains its Independence

    Bolivar’s Gran Columbia Gains its Independence
    Simon Bolivar wins the battle for Gran Columbia's independence and becomes ruler.
  • Jose de San Martin Frees Peru from Spain

    Jose de San Martin Frees Peru from Spain
    San Martin's goal was to create a monarchy separate from Spain, so he freed Peru from Spain and passed the responsibility to Bolivar.
  • Mexico Gains Independence

    Mexico Gains Independence
    A long battle between the Spanish and Mexicans and perpetuated by Father Hidalgo took over eleven years due to inadequate preparation and untrained soldiers.