Frises - Mohon Snigda

By snigda
  • 1534

    Act of Supremacy

    Act of Supremacy
    This is the English act o Parliament that recognized Henry VIII as the "Supreme Had of the Church of England"
  • Period: Dec 14, 1542 to Jul 24, 1567

    Reign of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots

    • catholic
  • Period: Jul 12, 1543 to Jan 28, 1547

    Reign of Katherine Parr

    • One of Henry VIII's several wife : she was his last wife
    • Published 3 books : she was the 1st English queen to write books about religion
    • She promoted Protestantism
    • In 1544 she became the regent queen and she ruled very well
  • Period: 1545 to 1563

    The Council of Trent

    • defending transubstantiation against the Lutheran doctrine of consubstantiation
    • fixing the number of sacraments at seven
  • 1547

    End of Henry VIII's reign

    End of Henry VIII's reign
    • He broke the Roman Catholic Church
    • He had the Parliament declare him supreme head of the Church of England
    • Started the English Reformation because the pope would not allow his divorce with Catherine of Aragon
  • Period: Jan 28, 1547 to 1553

    Reign of Edward VI

    • Henry VIII's son
    • He was very young when he became king
    • He passed protestant policies
  • 1549

    The Book Of Common Prayer

    The Book Of Common Prayer
    • Used by the Anglican Communion
    • Made by Thomas Cranmer : who became archbishop of Canterbury
    • It's a compromise between old and new ideas
  • 1553

    Reign of Lady Jane Grey

    Reign of Lady Jane Grey
    • Ruled for 9 days
    • Was put on the throne by unscrupulous politicians
    • Was executed
  • Period: 1553 to Nov 17, 1558

    Reign of "Bloody" Mary I

    • She burned 300 radical protestants, this is where her nickname came from
    • Daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon
    • Married to Prince Philip II of Spain
  • 1558

    Act of Supremacy

    This is an act of supremacy that declares the Queen as "Supreme governor of the Church of England"
  • Period: Nov 1, 1558 to

    Reign of Elizabeth I

    • impact on the restauration of England to protestantism
    • she allowed the execution of Mary Queen of Scots
    • was queen during England's defeat when they faced the Spanish army
    • a lot of theories during her reign
    • known as the virgin queen because she didn't marry or have any direct heir to the throne
  • Execution of Mary Scots

    Execution of Mary Scots
    Involved in many plots, she was beheaded in Fotheringham Cast
  • The defeat of Spanish Armada

    Philip II of Spain supported many plots agains Elizabeth I. She supported the Dutch Revolution, because of it he attempted to invade England but it was a defeat.
  • Period: to

    the Stuart

  • Period: to

    James I

  • The Gunpowder Plot

    The Gunpowder Plot
    It was a failed attempt to blow up England's King James I and the Parliament
    The plot was organized by Robert Catesby in an effort to end the persecution of Roman Catholics by the English government.
  • Royal dept

    economy crisis
  • Period: to

    King Charles I

  • Period: to

    The Personal Rule

    11 years in which the King, Charles I governed alone without consulting the Parliament.
  • New Book of Common Prayer

    in Scotland by Scotts
  • Short Parliament

    Established by Charles I, after dissolving the Long Parliament 3 weeks after recalling them (he ruled without them for 11 years)
  • The Grand Remontrance

    Document voted by the Parliament, summarising all the wrong doings of King Charles I.
  • Period: to

    Civil Wars

  • Period: to

    1st Civil War

  • Charles I declares war to his people

    Charles I declares war to his people
    The King declares war to the Parliamentary in Nottingham.
    There were two oppositions:
    - the "Roundheads" fought for the Parliament (South of England + London)
    - the "Cavaliers"/ Royalists supported the King (North and West of England)
  • Battle of Edgehill

    Battle of Edgehill
    Roundhead army directed by Oliver Cromwell
  • Solemn League and Covenant

    Solemn League and Covenant
    An agreement signed by English and Scotts. Scotts promised to support the English Parliamentarians agains the Royalists.
  • Defeat of the Royalists at Marston Moor

    Defeat of the Royalists at Marston Moor
    This battle made Cromwell being respected as a good general.
  • Battle of Naseby

    Battle of Naseby
    Cromwell reorganized the troops in a "New Model Army". The New Model Army under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax won the battle of Naseby in June 1645.
  • the King was imprisoned by the Scotts

    the King was imprisoned by the Scotts
  • The Putney debates

    The Putney debates
    Putney debates
    Held in Putney Church (in Surrey) in November 1647, they discussed freedom rights like the freedom of religion (any form of Christianism).
    The debate ended with the generals restoring discipline with violence.
  • Period: to

    2nd Civil War

  • Cromwell's army defeat the Royalists at Preston

    Cromwell's army defeat the Royalists at Preston
  • Period: to

    The Commonwealth

    New Political field: The Commonwealth.
    Monarchy House of Lords and the Anglican Church were suppressed.
  • Period: to

    Oliver Cromwell

    Head of State
  • Charles I's execution

    Charles I's execution
    It was the first time ever that a King was legally executed
  • Period: to

    3rd Civil War

  • Period: to

    The Protectorate

    • made when Oliver Cromwell and his son, were made Lord Protector and head of state
    • power was defined by 2 constitution
      • the instrument of government
      • the humble petition
  • The Restauration

  • Period: to

    King Charles II

    • established presbyterian church everywhere
  • Declaration of Breda

    religious toleration would be respected
    - a desire for a general amnesty
  • The Great Plague

    1/5 of London's population died (75000 to 100000 people)
  • The Habeas Corpus Act

    consequence of the exclusion crisis
  • Publication of the indulgence

  • Declaration of indulgence

  • The Glorious Revolution

  • The Bill of Rights

  • The Toleration Act

    tolerate Protestant descendants
  • Act of Settlement

  • Period: to

    Queen Anne

    of ireland, britain, scotland.
    Competition between Tories and Whigs
    - Tories = right, conservatives
    - Whig = left, merchants, manufactures…
  • The Battle of Blenheim

    Now France recognises Anne as a queen and stopped recognising James III, son of James II
  • Act of Security

    stated that Anne should die childless, so the Scottish Estates is able to choose their own monarch from their heir of the Stuart Scottish royal line
  • Act of Union