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French Revolution & Napoleon

  • Estates General opens at Versailles

    Estates General opens at Versailles
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women's March on Versailles
  • Louis XVI accepts Constitutional Monarchy

    Louis XVI accepts Constitutional Monarchy
  • Royal Family Attempts to Flee

    Royal Family Attempts to Flee
  • The Legislative Assembly is Established

    The Legislative Assembly is Established
  • Monarchy is Abolished

    Monarchy is Abolished
    The Monarchy is officially abolished and dissolved.
  • Louis XVI is put on trial

    Louis XVI is put on trial
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
  • France is at war with Austria, Prussia, Great Britain, Spain, Sardinia, Holland

    France is at war with Austria, Prussia, Great Britain, Spain, Sardinia, Holland
    The King's brother–in–law Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II, Frederick William II of Prussia, and the King's brother Charles-Philippe, comte d'Artois, issued the Declaration of Pillnitz, which proclaimed the cause of Louis XVI as their own, demanded his absolute liberty and hinted at an invasion of France on his behalf if the revolutionary authorities refused its conditions. Although Leopold himself sought to avoid war and made the declaration to satisfy the Comte d'Artois and the other émigrés,
  • The Reign of Terror begins

    The Reign of Terror begins
  • Execution of Marie Antoinette

    Execution of Marie Antoinette
  • Cult of Reason Established

    Cult of Reason Established
    The French government de-Christianized France and pushed the Cult of Reason. Its goal was the perfection of mankind through the attainment of Truth and Liberty, and its guiding principle to this goal was the exercise of the human faculty of Reason. It encouraged acts of congregational worship and devotional displays to the ideal of Reason.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
  • Napoleon Bonaparte given command of French Army

    Napoleon Bonaparte given command of  French Army
    Napoleon wins the Battle of Lodi, Arcole, Rivoli, and returns to Paris a hero.
  • French Consulate is established

    French Consulate is established
    The Consulate was the government of France from the fall of the Directory in the coup of Brumaire in 1799 until the start of the Napoleonic Empire in 1804.
  • Napoleon named Consul for Life

    Napoleon named Consul for Life
    The French Consulate, modeled after the Roman Republic breaks powers into three branches, the Council of State, Tribunate, and Consulate. Napoleon is declared consul for life and revises government to give himself more power.
  • Napoleon crowned Emperor

    Napoleon crowned Emperor
    After Senate proclaims Napoleon Emperor, he crowns himself in Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.