
Freak The Mighty

By zulow
  • Preschool

    Max meets freak in preschool.
  • New kid

    New kid
    Kevin moves closes to max and max remembers him from preschool.
  • Ornithopter

    Kevin's ornithopter gets stuck on a tree and max helps him get it.
  • Fair Gwen

    Fair Gwen
    When Kevin's mother mets she gets scared of max and runs away.
  • Spitting Image

    Spitting Image
    Gwen explains why she was afraid of Max, because he looks like his father.
  • Tony D

    Tony D
    Max and Freak incounter with Tony D and they manage to escape with kevin's help.
  • High Above

    High Above
    Tony D finds max and freak again but now they get stuck on a muddy river.
  • Freak The Mighty Borns

  • Sick Day

    Sick Day
    Kevin eats American Chop Suey and gets sick. Also he tells him about his mission into transforming into a mechanical human.
  • RIP

    Kevin gets sezuire and has to go to the hospital again and tells max to write their adventure. Kevin dies.