Foxhole Timeline

  • Period: 600 BCE to 520 BCE

    Invasion of Caoiva by Northern invaders

    It is stated that Caoiva was invaded from the North by an unknown group of people (Nicnevish?).
  • Period: 550 BCE to 500 BCE

    Callahan unifies Caoiva

    At some point Callahan unites all of the clans in Caoiva and repel the invaders at the Weathered Expanse.
  • Period: 510 BCE to 490 BCE

    Bulwark construction starts

    The Southern Bulwark is designed by Callahan, who dies in battle while its foundations are being laid. This also is the cause of the Velian Civil War
  • Period: 510 BCE to 490 BCE

    Firearms begin to being used

  • 500 BCE

    Callahan's Death

    It is known that Callahan died in battle and the location of his tomb is a secret
  • 500 BCE

    Beginning of the Velian Civil War

    As the first stones of the Bulwark (a coast-to-coast wall built as a response to ongoing tensions with the south) were set, many Valians feared what it might mean to be cut off from northern aid. Others were dismayed by the prospect of increasing Mesean occupation.
  • Period: 500 BCE to 475 BCE

    Velian Civil War

    Two hundred years before the onset of the Great Wars, a civil war sundered the country of Veli. Caught between the Meseans of the south and the northern Caovish, and ideological rift threatened the fabric of unitiy with Meseans supporting the Velian republicans and the Caovish helping the monarchists.
  • 475 BCE

    End of the Velian Civil War

    After fifteen years of bloody conflict, the Hands of Veli make one final stand at the apex of the Red River against encroaching Republican Colonial Forces. While the Hands of Veli won the battle, the war resulted in a victory to the Republican side, expelling most, if not all, of Caoiva's influence on the land and Veli falling into Mesea's sphere of influence
  • 280 BCE

    The Great Wars begin

    A succession of wars that would involve the entirety of the globe in constant conflict. This series of conflict will not be limited to Caoiva and the Colonial Republic and will affect other known countries such as Nicnevin, Sorov, Kraunia and Guardia (?).
  • Period: 280 BCE to 75 BCE

    The Great Wars

  • 275 BCE

    Breaching of the Bulwark by Silas Maro

    The Colonial general Silas Maro breaches the Bulwark and invades Caoiva with his forces. It is theorised that this event marks the start of The Great Wars.
  • 200 BCE

    Thea Maro Push

    Thea Maro, great-granddaughter of Silas Maro and Colonial general, starts an offensive against the colonials. Her push is halted at River Mercy but she takes the Warden capital Sunhaven, now known as the Abandoned Ward. Wardens move their capital to Whendon Row.
  • 75 BCE

    The Great War ends

    Unknown end date, it is known that it ended roughly 200 years after Silas Maro breached the Bulwark.
  • 1 CE

    Actual game events