Mountain Men Start Appearing in Mountains
Mountain Men appeared in mountains. Some were in Oregon. Most of them were trappers collecting fur for trade. -
The War of 1812 Ends
War of 1812 ends with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent.
Shortly after the Industrial Revolution begins. -
Spain Gives Moses Austin a land Grant in Texas
During this year Mexico becomes an independent nation. -
Mexico Tries to increase Population
During this time Mexico encourages Americans to come and live in Texas. By 1830 more than 20,000 Americans joined. -
Fur Trade Dies Out
Texans Force Mexicans to Withdraw.
Texans in the town of Gonzalez forced the Mexicans out.
Two months later Texans took San Antonio starting a war. -
Texas Wins the Battle of San Jacinto
Sam Houston lead the Texans to Victory with a surprise attack. -
Texas Declares Independence From Mexico
Later that year Texas loses the battle of the Alamo. They were outnumbered by Mexico's troops. -
Narcissa Whitman Arrives in Oregon
Narcissa Whitman arrived in Oregon and she planned to convert local Indians to Christianity. This inspired many missionaries to follow. -
John Jacob Astor 1V Dies
The richest man in the U.S (sold fur to Europe and America) dies. -
California Gold Rush Begins
80,000 People Come To California
These people were known as the Forty-Niners -
Britain and America come to an Agreement Over Ownership of Oregon County
America and Britain came to the conclusion that Oregon county would have a mixed society where all the people had the same rights while being ruled by both countries. -
People travel to Oregon
Thousands of peoples start to make the journey to Oregon. -
General Antonio Lopez Came to Power in Texas.