Four Great Civilizations

  • 100

    The olmecs apperence 1500 B.C.

    The olmecs kind of just appered. I don't know if they just God like poofed on the earth or what.
  • 200

    Olmecs disaperence 300 B.C.

    The olmecs disapeared in the year 300 B.C. Nobody know why.
  • 300

    The maya built large citys 300 A.D.

    The maya built there civilization in present day mexico. The population grew up to 2 million peeps
  • May 11, 1100

    the mayan cities abandon 1100 A.D.

    They just like disappered. People think aliens abducted them.
  • May 11, 1200

    The Inca

    The inca founded the city of Cuzco. It was their capital.
  • May 11, 1325

    The Aztecs established Tenochtitlan

    Tenochtitlan is a city founded by the aztecs. It was their capital
  • May 11, 1521

    The aztecs concoured by the spanish

    The aztecs were concoured by the spanish. They were diriven out of their homes.
  • THe Inca had 9

    The inca had 9 million people in their tribe. they had a lot of children