Brown vs. Board of Education
Established precedence for segregation in the public educational system to be deemed unconstitutional and gave legislative support to those fighting for equal opportunites for those with disabilities (Vaughn, 2014). Image (Buchanan, 2014). -
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
Established the federal government as an advocate for disadvantaged students and created a grant program that encouraged states to develop programs specifically geared towards students with disabilities (Vaughn, 2014). Image:(Thorton, 2013) -
Vocational Rehabilitiation Act (VRA)
Vocational Rehabilitation Act (VRA) (1973)- Established definitions of handicapped persons and appropriate education and forbad federally funded programs from discriminating against exceptional students (Vaughn, 2014). Image:("How regulation came to be: The Rehabilitation Act of 1973", 2010) -
Educational Amendments Act
Provided federal funds to states in order to support exceptional learner programming as well as gifted and talented programs. This act also established the right of due process in special education placement for students and their families (Vaughn, 2014). mage: ("Ensuring No American Indian and Alaska Native Child Is Left Behind"). -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA)P.L.94-142
Required all public educational facilities to accept and support all students including those with disabilities. It established more specialized educational programs for students with disabilities including the induction if Individualize Education Programs and also defined the term least restrictive environment (Vaughn, 2014). Image:("I am the I in IEP", 2011) -
Americans with Disabilities Act
This act established the illegality of public discrimination against people with disabilities to include employment opportunities, public transportation, accommodations, public services, and telecommunications as well as redefined the term disability to include those who have AIDS (Vaughn. 2014) Image:("Americans with Disabilities Act | ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties", 2011). -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
While replacing the EAHCA, IDEA created a people-first language when discussing those with disabilities, extended services to include social work, assistive technology, and rehabilitation services, increased the access to due process and confidentiality for students and parents and increased educational opportunities to include programs designed to support transition into employment. The term disability was also redefined (Vaughn 2014). Image: ("Science for Students with Disabilities") -
Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) Revision
The revisions made to this act in 1997 include the indoctrination of district and statewide assessments of students with disabilities, the requirement that general education teachers be a member of the IEP team, requires schools to assume more responsibility in ensuring students with disabilities are provided general education curriculum, and allows for special education staff to work with general education students (Vaughn, 2014) Image:("Archived: IDEA '97") -
Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) Revision
federal funding to allow for early intervention where applicable, raises licensure standards for special education, removes short-term objectives from IEPs, and adopts policies to represent an accurate depiction of the special education population (Vaughn, 2014). Image:(Compton, 2014)