Elementary and Secondary Education ACT
This act gives students who are a disadvantage an equal chance to obtain a public education. One component of this act was also to improve special education programs. It was one of the first main steps toward progress in educaton for people who have special needs (Vaughn). -
P.L. 94-142
Public Law 94-142 assisted states in requiring a free and appropriate public education. This documeent also states that children should be educated in the least restrictive environment (Payne),(Martin). -
Americans with Disabilities Act
This act makes it ilegal for private sectors to discriminate against people with disabilities. This includes equal employment opportunity and other accomidations (Vaugnh) -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
This is a revised version of the P.L. 94-142 Education for all Handicapped Children Act enacted in 1975. The revision ensures that childre with disabilities receive an appropriate education through special education and related services (Peterson). -
IDEA Public Law 105-17
This is the first revision of IDEA that says students with disabilities must be included on state and district assessment. It also requires regular education teachers to be present on IEP teams (Peterson). -
No Child Left Behind Act
This act covers a wide range of areas that will help improve the education system as a whole. The main idea is to improve academic performance while also making sure no students are traped in a failing school (Vaughn). -
This is a revision of the 1997 IDEA creating the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvment Act. This revision put more accountability on state and local levels. It also allows schools to use Response To Intervention (Peterson).