Middle Ages
people in Britain run out of firewood, started using coal but also ran out of coal from the ground. They started digging underground. -
Newcomen invents steam engine
The steam engine made it possible for water to be pumped out of the ground and the workers to keep digging -
james watts
Watts made steam engines suitable for other uses -
Industrial Revolution
Rails and steam engines combined to make railroads -
Michael Faraday
Michael Faraday invents 1st electric motor -
Edwin Drake
First rock oil drill in Pennsylvania -
Karl Benz
1st patented automobile -
Nichola Tesla
Invents alternating current -
fertilizer from fossil fuel
Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch were able to expand food production and population growth -
WWI: 1st fossil-fueled war -
Great Depression
due to overproduction there was a great depression between the WWs and consumerism was invented around that time. -
WWII: more weaponry and atomic bombs -
Oil Crisis
Middle East oil producers placed an embargo. People were starting to reexamine their fuel consumption. Environmentalist acts were getting popular -
Oil price drop
and everyone forgets about the environment what not -
rise of China
China starts to produce most of products in the world due to cheap labor (in fact the country is burning half the coal in the world)