
history timeline

By lexiren
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
  • West Virgina is Born

    West Virgina is Born
  • Homestead Act becomes a law

    Homestead Act becomes a law
  • Congress passes the Militia Act

    Congress passes the Militia Act
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation
  • The battle of Gettysburg

    The battle of Gettysburg
  • President Abraham Lincoln dedicates a portion of the Gettysburg battlefield as a national cemetery, and delivered the "Gettysburg Address."

    President Abraham Lincoln dedicates a portion of the Gettysburg battlefield as a national cemetery, and delivered the "Gettysburg Address."
  • Nine month siege of Petersburg begins

    Nine month siege of Petersburg begins
  • Atlanta is captured by Sherman's Army.

    Atlanta is captured by Sherman's Army.
  • Abraham Lincoln is re-elected president defeating Democrat George B. McClellan.