Forrest Gump Timeline Project

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    Vietnam War

    The Vietnam war was long, costly, and resulted in the death of over 3 million people. It was fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam, along with their ally, the United States. There was widespread opposition to the war in the United States, which was fueled by several anti-war protests and greatly divided the American population. Forrest Gump fought in the war and won the Congressional Medal of Honor by saving the lives of many soldiers.
  • Desegregation of University of Alabama

    Desegregation of University of Alabama
    In June 1963, President John F. Kennedy sent troops to the University of Alabama to force its desegregation. Soon after this, two African American students were accepted into the university, against Governor George Wallace's will. George Wallace attempted to stop the desegregation of the university by blocking the doorway and refusing to move. Kennedy used his troops once again to end the blockade, and Wallace had no choice but to yield.
  • Assassination of John F. Kennedy

    Assassination of John F. Kennedy
    During a motorcade in Dallas, TX, John F. Kennedy and his wife greeted enthusiastic crowds as they drove by. As they passed the Texas School Book Depository Building, Lee Oswald Harvey shot and seriously injured Kennedy from the 6th floor of the building. Half an hour after he was shot, Kennedy died at the Parkland Hospital. Kennedy's assassination affected the lives of Americans, who greatly admired him.
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    Anti-Vietnam War Protests

    Protests against US involvement in the Vietnam War began early on among peace activists and on college campuses. The protests became prominent in the country by 1965, when the United States escalated the war by bombing Vietnam. Individuals and groups such as the SDS participated in several marches and protests, gaining support over the following years. Hippies, who advocated for peace, love, and personal freedom, were also an important part of this movement.
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    This was a counterculture that emerged in the 1960s in colleges, but spread across the nation quickly. Hippies openly opposed the Vietnam War and advocated for peace and love. They often experimented with a variety of drugs (particularly marijuana and LSD), favored long hair, and dressed in bright colors. They had open sexual relationships and enjoyed practicing religion outside of Judeo-Christian tradition.
  • Abbie Hoffman/Yippies

    Abbie Hoffman/Yippies
    Abbott (Abbie) Hoffman was an American political activist who founded the Youth International Party. The Youth International Party was a youth-based group involved in the anti-war movement and free speech. Yippies were a new conterculture known for their "street theater pranks" and were often ignored and denounced. Hoffman became a counterculture icon after joining a group of protesters outside of the Democratic Party's national convention in Chicago.
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    Black Panther Party

    The Black Panther Party was an organization created by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale to combat against unfair and brutal treatment of blacks. It was made up of about 2,000 armed members, who would patrol the streets The two founders created it after the assassination of Malcolm X and when police killed Matthew Johnson, a black teen. They would monitor police activities and were ready to use violence if necessary.
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    Disco is a music style that emerged around the early 1970s. It originated in house parties, and became popular among audiences including club-goers, African Americans, Italian Americans, Latinos, the LGBTQ, and the psychedelic community. The deejays were a large part of disco, because they helped establish hit songs and focus on singles.
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    On July 16, 1969, Apollo 11 launched from the Kennedy Space Center at 9:32 a.m. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first two humans to land on the moon in 1969. The moon landing was broadcast live to a worldwide audience. When Armstrong first stepped on to the moon, the famous phrase "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" was born. The moon landing marked the beginning of future space exploration and discoveries.
  • Ping Pong Diplomacy

    Ping Pong Diplomacy
    The relationship between the U.S. and the PRC was very poor and got worse as the Cold War progressed. However, when the Chinese government invited the U.S. the table tennis team to the PRC, this was the beginning of the Ping Pong Diplomacy. This was meant to show the U.S. that the Chinese wanted to ease tensions and strengthen their diplomatic relationship. It was successful because Nixon made a visit to China to discuss diplomatic relationships.
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    On June 17, 1972, burglars were arrested in the office of the Democratic National Committee in the Watergate Hotel in Washington D.C. They were found wiretapping phones and stealing documents. It was discovered that the burglars were connected to President Nixon's reelection campaign. Nixon attempted to cover up the crime, but he resigned when his role in the scandal was revealed. Watergate led to widespread lack of trust in the federal government.
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen
    Hurricane Carmen was one of the most intense hurricanes of 1974. It moved through the Caribbean Sea and entered the Yucatan Peninsula, where it killed several people and destroyed crops. After entering the Gulf of Mexico, it intensified as it entered the United States. The storm caused extensive damage, forced around 100,000 residents to evacuate, killed people, and resulted in the suffering of the sugar industry. Sailors suffered due to their boats being destroyed and washed ashore.
  • Apple Computers

    Apple Computers
    On April 1, 1976, Apple founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak created the Apple computer. Apple computers became famous and were bought by many Americans. Individuals who invested in stocks in the company received large amounts of money due to its success. For around 3 decades, Apple mainly manufactured computers, including the Apple II, Macintosh, and Power Mac lines.