Korean War
Part of the Cold War that occurred after World War II. North Korea was a communist country and their goal was to spread communism to the South. South Korea had gotten support from the U.S and it eventually led to the two-mile demilitarized zone which is at the 38th parallel line; splitting the North from the South. This relates to the Key Concept 8.1 where the U.S tries to maintain their global leadership by involving themselves in foreign affairs.
[https://www.history.com/topics/korean-war] -
Brown v Board of Education of Topeka
Linda Brown was denied into Topeka's all-white elementary schools. Black schools didn't receive the same education as the white schools; violating the "equal protection clause" under the 14th Amendment. The court ruled that segregated schools were unconstitutional. This overruled the "separate but equal" doctrine of the Plessy v Ferguson case.
[https://www.oyez.org/cases/1940-1955/347us483] -
Vietnam Protests
The Americans didn't like how the U.S was supporting Vietnam in their war. There were social welfare problems happening in the U.S and President Johnson did nothing. President Johnson was consumed on the idea of the Domino Theory. The protests revolved around the U.S involving themselves in a nation that was none of their business. This relates to the Key Concept 8.2 because the U.S left the war and started improving their own economical issues.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhSRLHBYO8k] -
Vietnam War
This event was also a part of the Cold War. The North had been influenced by China's communism and wanted to spread it to the South. The South was given assistance from the U.S to prevent the spread but during the year of 1973, the U.S backed out and the South lost the following two years; becoming a communist country. This relates to the Key Concept 8.1 where the U.S used their military power to limit the spread of communism
[https://www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war/vietnam-war-history] -
Little Rock Nine
Nine African Americans were enrolled at Little Rock Central High School. Governor Faubus was against it and called the National Guard to block the school entrance. President Eisenhower put a stop to this and was able to allow the nine students to attend the high school. This event resulted from the Brown v Board of Education of Topeka where segregated schools were unconstitutional.
[https://www.britannica.com/topic/Little-Rock-Nine] -
Hippie Movement
It was the Counterculture of the 1960s. They brought peace and love across the U.S. This movement increased the use of drugs, sex, and rock n' roll. The hippie movement started during the Vietnam War because they believed that war shouldn't be made. This relates to the Key Concept 8.3. This movement helped changed the role of the government by limiting the involvement of the U.S with foreign affairs and focusing on the problems in their own country.
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippie] -
President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society
President Johnson had put up a set of social welfare programs to help eliminate poverty and racial injustice but unfortunately, the plan did not work out due to President Johnson's involvement in the Vietnam War. The U.S involvement in the Vietnam War swayed the attention away from the U.S problems that were happening.
[https://www.history.com/topics/great-society] -
Black Panther Party
They were a political organization that wanted to spread Black Power. Their goal was to decrease police brutality by aiding Black neighborhoods. They had created a Ten-Point Program stating rights and freedom for all Black people. This relates to the Key Concept 8.2 because this movement focused on improving the conditions of Blacks and that helped change the government's role by passing the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.
[https://www.history.com/topics/black-panthers] -
Ping Pong Diplomacy
The U.S and the People's Republic of China were exchanging ping pong players that expanded the Sino-American relations. This helped loosen tensions between China and the U.S during the Cold War and reunited all trade as well as foreign affairs between the two countries. This relates to the Key Concept 8.1 because the U.S is trying to keep their global leadership by preventing any issues that may occur between the two countries.
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping-pong_diplomacy] -
Watergate Scandal
There was a break-in at the Watergate Hotel by five men. They had been wiretapping phone and stealing documents. A cover-up was also discussed by Nixon a week after the break-in by giving thousands of dollars to keep the burglars quiet. Nixon also abused his presidential power by getting the CIA to delay the FBI's investigation. He also got Archibald Cox fired. Nixon announced his resignation after the releases of the tapping before he could get impeached.
[http://watergate.info/] -
AIDS/HIV Outbreak
The Hippie Movement involved the use of drugs and sex. The transfers of those drugs were through unsanitary needles, leading to the development of AIDS and HIV. Sex with someone who has AIDS or HIV would spread to the other partner, making them develop the virus. This relates to the Key Concept 9.2 because as technology increases, people start overusing it and not caring for the consequences that it may lead like the needles and drugs.
[https://www.history.com/topics/history-of-aids] -
Geneva Summit
The U.S. President Ronald Reagan and the Soviet Union General Mikhail Gorbachev were discussing about the control of the nuclear arms race and the spread of domestic relations between the two countries. This relates to the Key Concept 9.2 because the U.S are improving their technology that is boosting up their nuclear weapons. This summit shows how the top to countries with advanced technology has powerful weapons that should be limited.