Forrest Gump

  • Forrest and Elvis Presley

    Forrest and Elvis Presley
    Forrest meets Elvis Presley while he was staying at the Gump House. Forrest danced the "Hound Dog" and taught it to Elvis Presley.
  • Desegregation at University of Alabama

    Desegregation at University of Alabama
    Forrest witnessed racial integration into Alabama University when a black couple attended. George Wallace tried to stop this couple from entering, resulting in his attempted murder. KC 8.2.2
  • Forrest in Vietnam War

    Forrest in Vietnam War
    Forrest got drafted into the Vietnam war. He ends up returning as a hero after saving many men, including Lt. Dan. KC 8.1.1
  • Jenny Joins Counterculture

    Jenny Joins Counterculture
    Jenny joins the counterculture after going missing for a while. She becomes a hippy. KC 8.2.3
  • Robert Kennedy Assassinated

    Robert Kennedy Assassinated
    Robert Kennedy was shot at the Ambassador Hotel after winning California presidential primaries. He was killed by Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian man, because he thought Kennedy was planning on bombing Israel.
  • Medal of Honor and Protest Speech

    Medal of Honor and Protest Speech
    Gump receives a medal of honor by LBJ. He then speaks at a Vietnam War protest with Abby Hoffman.
  • Forrest Goes to China

    Forrest Goes to China
    With the U.S. Ping Pong team, Forrest goes to china to participate in the championships. They were invited to do so. KC 8.1.1
  • Forrest on Dick Cavett Show

    Forrest on Dick Cavett Show
    Forrest appears on the Dick Cavett show with John Lennon. He later releases "Imagine" as a solo artist.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    Forrest called security about men with flashlights snooping around in the Watergate Complex. This caused the Watergate scandal because these men were under Nixon, broke into the Democratic National Committee, and it was revealed that Nixon attempted to cover illegal happenings. This resulted in his eventual resignation. KC 8.2.3
  • Forrest meets the Black Panther

    Forrest meets the Black Panther
    Forrest gets taken to a Black Panther meeting by Jenny. The Black panthers were fighting against racism and oppression against Black Americans since the 60's. Key concept 8.2.1
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen
    Huge hurricane that covered over 2 million acres. When the hurricane wiped out all the shrimping boats besides Gump's, all the shrimp was caught by him and this made him rich.
  • Investment in Apple

    Investment in Apple
    Lt. Dan tells Forrest that their money got invested into a "fruit" company, which is Apple. It took off as a hit. KC 9.2
  • HIV Outbreak

    HIV Outbreak
    A rare form of cancer was reported to infect "Gay Men". Jenny who had done a lot of drugs over the years contracted it and doctors had no idea how to cure it. This marks the beginning of the HIV Outbreak. KC 9.1