Forrest Gump 1950-1980

  • The Rise of Elvis Presley

    The Rise of Elvis Presley
    Elvis introduced the world to Rock and Roll. His sexually provocative style in music and dance moves made women horny for him

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    Vietnam War

    The war in Vietnam lasted 20 years before US involvement happened in the 60's. Johnson escalated the war in 1965 to cause massive causality. Creating a counter culture in music and youth. This relates key concept 8.1B
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  • Birth of the Hippie movement

    Birth of the Hippie movement
    The Hippie movement spawned from the young people in retaliation of traditional values. Particularly the movement indulge in drug use and promiscuity among others in the movement. The movement also spawned groups such as Greenpeace that protected the environment. This relates to key concepts 8.2 II D and III F

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  • Governor Wallace's Standing

    Governor Wallace's Standing
    The University of Alabama let 2 African-American students onto the campus however the locality including the governor protested the entry of these students. Famously Wallace stand in front of the auditorium to block the 2 students. This relates to key concept 8.2 I A
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  • Kennedy's Assassination

    Kennedy's Assassination
    JFK's assassination that was broadcasted on national television was the beginning of the death of innocence, At the time many people thought the communists were behind it. This relates to key concept 8.1 I A
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  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    The Moon landing of Apollo 11 amazed the whole world. As this move by the US dwarfed all past achievements done by the USSR. This relates to key concept 8.1 II C
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  • Détente

    Richard Nixon used this get closed to the Soviet Union and China to deter the attention in Vietnam. This warm the Sino-American relations and the path to this relation was caused by Nixon. As well with Russia in the AMB treaty which disarmed missiles. This relates to key concept 8.1 I C
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  • Imagine

    John Lennon wrote this song and many others in the album with the same name. The song's message was to have peace among everyone with no nationality, possessions or religions. This relates to key concept 8.3 II A
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  • The Watergate Scandal

    The Watergate Scandal
    The scandal involvement the Nixon Administration sabotaging the DNC by breaking in and Nixon covering up. This lead to a negative view upon Nixon and the US government by the public. This relates to key concept 8.2 III E
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    Treatment of Returning Vets from Vietnam

    Vets returning from Vietnam were not welcomed as war heros like the past wars the US was involved. As the Vietnam War torn the country and in response of these veterans were either they did not care or distrust. This caused vets to be isolated by society and weakened the morale they had and some committed suicide. This relates to key concept 8.1 I B
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